XIV- Lunch

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Me and Katara are in a Fastfood. We are eating quietly But then Katara Spoked.

"Hey She said

"What?" I said Plainly

"What do you think about Chao?" She asked.

I looked at her Big blue Eyes

"I don't know" I said in a bored tone.

"Why are you acting Like that?!, You're acting weird and odd." katara said Pouting.

"Who Cares?" I asked

"I care" She said

"No One Cares" I said.

but katara Hold my Palm. "Please.. Firelord Zuko, Tell me why are you acting Weird and Odd lately." She asked.

I can't take it! I remove my plam from her hands and stand up. "Katara, You have no Business in here! We're focusing to are mission, And don't ever put that Topic Again EVER!!, Because you don't know me!" I Exclaimed, Now everyone Is looking at us

Now I'm the Idiot.

After what I said. Katara's tears Starting to Fall and then she talked "I know you Zuko." She whispered.

"No you don't." I paused "I'll be in the Apartment if you're done eating lunch, I'll pack our Things." I said And Leave Katara Alone

I can't see you crying Because of me Katara. I just Can't. And I Don't know.

Why do I feel so Guilty?!


Poor Katara.......And Zuko :(

Sorry Guys :'>

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Muwaaaah Lovelots.

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