C30- Abandoned Beach

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Azula and I had a long history of enmity. I am unhappy that Ozai, My own Father deeply favored Azula over him. Likewise Azula was upset that Ursa, our Mother, deeply favored Me. Our childhood competition expanded into extreme distrust and even hatred. We also have been the first in line to the throne, due to my three-year exile which resulted in my temporary removal from the line of succession. But now, I'm already the Fire lord, I've got nothing to worry about. Right? I can beat her. She's no sister to me.. 

Zuko thought to himself..  But He's still nervous.

"I need some advice Uncle, how could I possibly beat her?" I said looking up in the Sky seeing the Moon and the stars. 

Zuko just smiled when he saw the Moon It reminds her of Katara. Likewise, He also frowned because for leaving her.

"I'm so sorry Katara, I regret my decision but there's no turning back. I need to do these on my own, For your safety" I paused "And for my Mothers safety" I whispered

Zuko kept walking to the direction that Shing thought him.. After how many hours the sun is starting to rise.

But He stopped. He saw a sign "Abandoned Beach" I said.

"Is someone there?" I heard a guard walking to my direction. I immediately hid behind the burned fences. "No one is here, Let's go back to the camp" The guard said. 

I entered the beach quietly, I go down the the rock stairs. When I go down I stepped at the sand. ashes are here, scattered everywhere. Many lives have been killed because of my  father, my nation and then I heard the water washing through the sea shore. I came to the water and look the view of the whole beach.

"This is a nightmare to the Earth kingdom citizens because of my Father, who only want power." I said

"Yes you're right brother, besides they deserve a nightmare from us and Father didn't regret it. This is the right way of ruling the world!." 

"Azula!" I shouted and look at my back. "Where's my mother Azula?! Give her to me!" 

Azula smiled.evilly "Oh. You want her to be the audience." Azula said  Azula winked

 "Bring her to me!" Azula shouted. I saw feet walking, I heard chains. And then my mother just appeared from the dark. And then I saw a guy who's holding the edge of the chains keeping her locked up..

"You! You are the one who threw me the paper! you are the one who lead me hear!" I said shouting at the guy. He bowed "Sorry Lord Zuko"

"You dare to call him LORD?! You Traitor!" Azula shouted "Princess, I-I did  help you because I want this to end I h-helped you because I really want Lord Zuko to go here and end here right now!"The guy said nervously. Azula glared to us "Y-you Traitor!" She said and dodge a blue fire at him "Stop!" I said u

"Don't you dare to hurt him! Besides, He's right. He did the right thing he served the Fire Lord well" 

Azula glared "Let's take this over Zuzu." Azula said standing in her fire bending stance

No turning back Zuko! No turning back for the sake of your Mother and for the sake of Katara

I stand straight and into my fire bending stance. Orange and blue flames started banging each other just like our last Agni Kai. But suddenly Azula started hitting me with his blue fire but I tried my best not to be hitted but I I was hitted in my right shoulder "Arghh" I said holding the pain 

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