Chapter 80

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1 month after the coup
1 month after the death of Grand Prince Chao and the late Firelady..

The people who conspired against the Fire lord has been given punishments by law.

The fire Queen Dowager is on exile in the north...

Mai's Father is in the cell locked up.

Ozai died and was held a funeral.. 

A new wedding has come.

A destined wedding from the beginning

They fixed katara's wedding robes.
The courtladies fixed her hair and straighten it. They thickened her eyes lashes and put light lipstick on her.

The bride stand up. The court ladies put white inner garments on her and put the red robes in her with blue and gold strands. Katara smiled in joy

"We've been this far. And this time I am not letting you go." She whispered.

The courtladies put her golden tiara in her hair. And polished her once again. They get the female dove and wrapped in a blue silk.

And Katara get out in the room. The courtladies guiding her to the sacred temple. As soon as they reached the temple the cherry blossoms are at the sides. And saw Tylee and Suki as her brides maid

And Zuko at the altrar.. With Aang as his best man. And Azula and Queen Ursa at the other side.

And Sokka at Katara's side. He guided katara and held katara's hand tighter. The court ladies stayed behind Katara's back still holding her female dove covered in the blue silk cloth. Sokka and Katara walked through the altar.

Sokka holding her hand. Sokka smiles and whispered "This might be the last time I will hold your hand. I will pass you to him now. I know he will take care of you. My little sister" sokka said and tears falling in his cheeks. Katara smiled and they reached the altar.

Katara look at Sokka and he let go of her hand. Katara hug her tightly and whispered
"You will always be my Big brother. Thank you for everything Sokka" she whispered and let go of Sokka.

Zuko get her hand and smiled at her they go in the altar and they faced each other and the priest talked

"Bride. Bow two times" he said and Katara bowed two times.

"Groom. Bow two times" he said and Zuko bowed two times.

"Present your male and female doves. To show peace and love to each other" the priest said and the bride and groom put the couple dove into a small table.

The ceremony keep going and everyone: the guest, nobles, other parents, the fire nation and water tribe smiling and being unified.

"Zuko do you? Take Katara as your newly wedded wife. Who will take care of you, support you and love you till death will do you apart?" The priest asked. Zuko smiled and held katara's hand tighter.

"We were strangers starting out of a journey. Never dreaming what we'd to go through. Now here we are and I am suddenly standing at the beginning with you. I want to have a new beginning with you. Katara, take care of me, support me, and love me even death will do us apart. Till forever and always I will always be with you no matter what will happen and with you by side nothing will daunt me. You will always be the woman in my heart. I love you so much Katara." He said and looked at the priest

"I do" he said and the priest smiled and look at Katara

"Katara do you? Take Zuko as your newly wedded husband. Who will take care of you, support you and love you till death will do you apart?" He asked and katara looked at her

"The light that is fading in the clouds
Falling at the window is too noisy. The cooling memory is just like the sound of the rainwater. Capture my heart, refuse to leave. Couldn’t I step back in time? Back to the time when you give me a hug,
Everything now doesn’t matter. And now I realized that I also want to start a new beginning with you. Embrace me like what you always do before but now, we will do it as wedded wife and husband. Zuko, I love you with all my life I am willing to put my life at all cost just to be with you. I love you so much Zuko." Katara said and she looked at the priest.

"I do" she said and the priest raised both of his hands

The priest looked at Zuko "You may now kiss the bride" he said. Zuko looked at Katara smiling.

Zuko raised his left hand with the tattoo of Yang symbol and held Katara's hand with the Yin symbol.
Zuko looked at Katara in the eyes

"What exactly is love? I asked the world" He said and Katara smiled and held back at Zuko's hand tighter.

"I will answer like so "If without hesitation, we can mutually promise to be together till death do us apart, it is love"" Katara said.

Zuko smiled and tears falling into his cheeks. He lower his head and coming closer to katara he let go of her hand and held her waist. And then their lips met. Zuko kissed her passionately like there's no tomorrow. They closed their eyes and Katara pulled Zuko more closer and she wrapped her arms around his neck. And then their lips parted. Zuko just looked at her. And let go of her waist and held her hand and they faced the crowd.

"I now announce Fire Lord Zuko and Fire Lady Katara as a newly wedded husband and wife!" He exclaimed and everyone cheered and applaud.

The newly wedded couple walked through the hall and they saw Misus hiding her face. Katara looked at Zuko and he looked at katara too.


I followed Misus who is hiding. Until I reached them. Misus just lowering her head down

"Your Royal Highness" she said

"Mother." I said and she didn't answered and I look at Yeol and Wol

"Wol, you know everything and you did not even acknowledge me about my identity" I said

Wol lowers her head down "I-it is f-for your good Lady Katara" she said and I looked at Yeol

"Do you know it too?" I asked and she just lowers her head too

Am I the only who who didn't know about this?

I just smile instead and hugged Misus "But still, thank you for everything especially for standing as my mother. I won't ask you about the reason anymore but I know it has a good reason" I said and they hugged me back crying with tears of joy.

Updated! :)
What do ya think?
I know some of you are still angry about Mai's death and Zuko's immediate proposal to Katara. So I am very sorry. Sorry sorry

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