C23- Cave of two Lovers

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We entered the cave in holding Hands. With my Flame flickering in his Right palm we can able to see our way. "Our Second Dead end Katara" I said  "Are you sure you three survived in here?" Zuko said.

Katara glared at me "Just be Patient okay!" She said.

How can we be Patient if there's so much dead end here 

"You didn't told me that the two lovers build a labyrinth" I said

Katara just Ignored me. "Just shut up Okay?. Let's try this way" Katara said pointing the East direction" She said 

"Fine. Let's go" I said 

While walking we heard someone grumbling Katara laughed

"What?" I asked. Katara looked at me "Is that your Tummy?" Katara said pointing at my tummy. 

I glared at her "It's not me." 

Katara giggled "Don't deny it Zuko, It's you. Haha" Katara said 

"I said it's not me" I said glaring at her

"Guilty" She said

"I said I'm not" I said

"Guilty bleh bleh" She said 

"No I'm not!"

"No you're--" I cutted her words

"Wait stop! Shut up! Did you hear that?" I said 

"Wha--" I cutted her words again

"Shhh" I said covering her mouth 

We heard that grumbling again. And after that we heard  foot prints running towards our direction. 

"Vampire bats!" I shouted. "Be careful Katara! Those bats suck will suck your blood" 

Me and katara bend Water and Fire. But I heard someone shouted "Hey! My water jug!" Katara said 

"You! You! Little Bats" Katara Said shooing the Vampire Bats. 

I shooted Fire in every Vampire Bats. "Zuko behind you!" I looked behind but the Vampire bat was already in my Neck. I shouted and Fall at the ground. I was wincing at the pain. 

"K-katara!" I exclaimed. "Zuko!" She shouted

Katara glared at the Vampire bats and she started blood bending the bats. My eyes widened. Katara ran towards me "Zuko, Are you alright" Katara said Trying to help me to stand up. "I'll be Fine" 

"You have a wound!, At the back of your neck, Just Sit there Zuko, I will heal it" she SAID

How? She don't have any water?! 

"You don't have any water!" I exclaimed at her. 

"But there's water in the air. " Katara paused "There's water in everywhere Zuko, All you have to be is be an open minded" Katara said and the she bended water through the air and then suddenly I saw water in her hands.  

I was amazed all I can say is WOW 

Katara started healing the wound in my neck "There. It's all done." Katara stopped bending  

"Thank you Katara" I said. Katara smiled "No Thank you." Katara said smiling at me. "Come on" I said

 And then We kept walking and we saw a Circle Door made by a Rock "The exit!" I exclaimed "Move aside Katara." I said. Katara just Nodded and moved aside

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