Chapter 54

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"My Lord, someone is finding you." The servant said

"Who is it?" I asked

"She said she was from the Palace, the Head of the Jeomjang-i, Misus. She said you called for her." The servant said.

I was shocked and rushed outside and saw Misus. "Please come here" I Said

Me and Misus are sitting and she opened the conversation "My Lord why did you call me all of a sudden?" She asked

My hands are starting to shake. I'm getting nervous. "It's because of my daughter, Katara." I said

"Yes, The Crown Princess?" She asked

"The Former Crown Princess" I said "About her sickness, I think it's no ill she got from the nature, I really have this illusions that she's cursed or whatever. Could you look at it?" I said

She was shocked "why?" I asked

She starts to tremble "The negative energy her is very stable. I believe she is under a curse." She said while her hands are shaking

My lovely daughter is cursed "W-what ccan I do to help her r-recover?" I asked

She frowned "I'm afraid there's no cure. Since she's been under exorcism. I can feel the negative energy from here." She said

"But." She said

"But what?!" I cried out

"There's one way." She said

"What?!" I asked

She frowned and signed heavily "She must give up her life. The sickness is with her for days already. I'm afraid it already surround her body." She said

Tears starting to fall in my cheeks kill her?

My one and only daughter had no way to survive the curse?

"T-tthere's n-nno o-other way?" I asked

"I'n afraid there is no other way My Lord." She said and she bought out a drug.

She offered it to me "I know you don't want to kill her personally. I suggest you to perform Euthanasia." She said

"You want me to do Mercy killing to my daughter?" I asked

"Make her drink that. I'm sure you had enough for your daughter's grave sickness. She's having a hard time already. It needs to stopped so she and the exorcist can rest peacefully." She said

I took the drug crying and forsaking myself. I'm sorry my daughter


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