XVII- Choice

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Yeah right, Why do I care?! He's Just a friend of mine who dosen't show any Kindness to me at all!

This is the last words I heard when I leave her Alone AGAIN..

I Sighed.. I was here at the Park we're I saw Katara and Chao Talking.. I don't know why but why do I get so annoyed when I saw Katara with Chao.  It's just... It's just Arghh It's hard to see Katara talking to that guy Happily while... Me arghh We don't even have a good conversation at all!!

I frowned "Maybe she's right, Maybe I don't show any kindness to her." I said

But this can't be I can't fall in love to her. She's with Aang and I'm with Mai! Maybe I just don't get used to it.

But I Hurt her Twice! I'm sure she's Mad at Me. Very Mad

"Maybe I should apologize, Besides This is all my Fault" I paused "But how and What should I say to her?"

I was walking and  I keep Thinking what will I say to her  "Aha! I know what to say" I paused "Katara, I'm sorry for what I've done For everything I did and... and.... and... What should I say Next?!?!?!"

"Arghhhh This is None sense!" I kicked a small rock. I hit on someone but his clothes we're obviously from the Earth Kingdom "I'm sorry I didn't mean to Hit you" I bowed at him. But instead he threw me a piece of paper and then he ran away I put the Paper in my pocket and I shouted at him

"HEY WAIT!!" but it"s no use he kept running and I can"t follow him

I just sat down to the Bench to rest but something popped in my mind The paper!. I get the paper in my pocket and It has a Fire nation seal "This is Odd" I said to myself  I started Opening the Letter my Eyes widened when I saw the Hand writings 

"Azula" I said seriously

Dear Zuzu,

   I've got  wonderful news Zuzu. First and foremost I have a captive and she's our beloved Mother.  Yes you're reading it right, It's MOTHER!. Here's the deal you are going to the City of Quen Alone. Face me and we'll have our Second Agni Kai. If you came here with the water bender peasant I'll kill your precious mother. Meet me at the Abandoned beach at the City of Quen.


                                                                                                                                                  Sincerely Yours.

                                                                                                                                                  Fire lord Azula

My Eyes widened.

Me going alone?! Without Katara? She'll be in danger but If I bought her My mother will be Killed! Both of them are in Danger. Man! It's a Vice Versa?!

And Why 'FIRE LORD AZULA'  She's not even the Fire lord. The Throne is my Destiny. It's was destined to be mine and she has nothing to do about it!

I need To make my Choice. 

AND Katara is coming with me no matter what! AND that's my choice!

I sighed heavily and suddenly frowned "I need to go back, I still have a problem to solve with.... Katara" I folded the paper, Stand up and started walking.


So. Zuzu Have Decided :)) And the good news about it is He' will apologize to Katara :D YAY!




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