C27- Unknown

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"Wei they must unite together! or else the world will be unbalanced even the Avatar can't fix that!"

Wei said walking back and fourth. "Will you please stop that! Can't you see?! Time is all they need." Kuan

And then a big ball of light surrounded them "Look" Kuan said pointing at the ball of light "They are starting to get well. They're relationship is improving Wei all we have to do is wait" Kuan  said

They all look to the ball of light seeing them together "We've been watching them since the hundred year war! And nothing has ever changed! Can't you see?! As the time passed by nothing is happening  to them! We need to make a move!" Wei said glaring at Kuan 

"No. If we make a move everything will be a disaster . Everything we planned will be a mess. Just let the time do that." Kuan said

"No! Those two need to realize there destiny like it or not!" Wei said pointing to Zuko and Katara in the ball of Light

"Why do we need to do that?! If we use our power we will be banished, remember Wei we can't let people see us and also we can't let people see that were using our powers!" Ma Zhu said

"Ma Zhu is right we can't let them see us! Our powers will be banished. All we have to do is to wait." Aizen said. 

The 4 continued arguing and arguing "ALL OF YOU STOP!" someone shouted 

Wei, Kuan, Ma Zhu and Aizen stop talking and look at their Queen 

"We don't need someone else to use just to guide the Fire Lord and the Water Princess. They have nothing to do with it . They're doing the right thing, They're knowing each other.  " Queen Hera said 

"But Queen He--"

"I said no! One more Complain and I'll remove your power!" Hera said. Everyone got silent 

Hera stand up "Does anyone still wants to complain?!" Hera shouted at the 4 

Everyone bowed "No Mi'Lady" everyone said simultaneously 

Hera sit own once again holding her wand of light and then using her wand she made a time clock showing Zuko, Katara, the Moon, the Sun and the time

"After the fall a new winter will begun. In the Winter Solstice the Firelord and the Water Princess must be together. The two of them needs to be united as one. Love." she paused and showed a tragedy that the world is going out of balance

 "Or else by midnight a new war will begun all 4 nations will be out of balance, rebellions will unite their mind will be controlled and they will try to kill the leaders in every nation, Sun will never rise, Moon will never light, It means water and fire benders can't able to bend because Lunar and Solar eclipse will be circling around them and lastly Our powers will be out of control. Even the Avatar can't fix it." Hera said and then she stopped 

"Hera, what are we going to do? Summer is about to end and fall will begun, What if the both of them didn't realize their destiny?" Aizen said 

"Hera, If we don't make a move, It may be a disaster, remember Hera they are the prophecy we can't change that." Ma Zhu said 

"What are we going to do?" Kuan said

Hera smiled "The only thing we need to do is just wait and be patient. If they managed to survive in the hundred year war, I guess we didn't have any problem at all." She said

"The hundred year war is just a one of the simple problem they managed to survive in. We're talking about the sake of the world Hera not just the 4 nations." Wei said complaining once again

"Wei, the 4 nation is the world. Someday they will realize that they love each other all we have to do is be patient. Now meeting is over." Hera said and walked away.


Hehehehe ^___^ Sorry for the late update

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