C29- Leave

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Katara and I were running. We're going to the direction where Shing told us awhile ago. I suddenly stopped "Let's rest for the night" I said panting. Katara exhaled and she nodded

We entered the apartment "Hi, welcome to my Apartment." The girl said

"I'm Lee and this is Kiyuki. I'm His Gir-" 

"Sister." Katara said and smiled 

I looked at her with an angry face and then looked at the girl "She's kiyuki my Sister." I said in a cold tone


The girl gave us the key. We entered the apartment and then we saw a one small bed. "I'll take the floor" I said unpacking our things. 

"Bu-" I cut her words. "No more complains just rest" I looked at her. She just nodded and take a rest. 

I lay down to the floor and closed my eyes

Why do I feel this way?

Why do I feel happy when I'm with Katara?

Why am I angry when she's talking to other guys?

Why do I always beg for her attention?


A lot of questions I can't answer. Am I Jealous? Do I Love her?

I sighed and opened my eyes. I sit down and saw Katara sleeping peacefully. I smiled at her. And then Suddenly frowned. 

I stand up and fixed my things in a small bag. After I fixed my things

I sit down at the other side of the bed and stared at her. I looked her face down to her lips and then go up to her face covered by her brown hair. I move aside her bangs. And suddenly just kissed her forehead. 

I stand up and go the door. I opened the door silently and whispered

"I'm very Sorry Katara, But I have to take this on my own. Thank you for helping me in this journey, You inspired me in every way were going."

I said and leave.

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