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"Mother" someone whispered

"Mother" someone whispered

I slightly opened my eyes seeing Zuko still sleeping beside and I saw a beautiful little girl with black hair, pale skin and blue eyes.

"Mother!" She exclaimed happily and hugged me I gigled and put a finger in her small lips "Shh. Daddy is still sleeping." I said and sit to the bed and suddenly someone pulled me in the bed "Who says I'm asleep?" A familiar voice said. I smiled "Ah Kang is here" I said and Zuko sit down

"Ah Kang! Good Morning baby girl." Zuko said and Ah Kang just hugged his daddy I smiled at them

Three years have passed.
I gave birth to twins. Not identical. But a boy and the girl.

Ah Kang is the girl. Princess of the Fire Nation. Black hair and pale skin like his father and a blue eyes, stubborn attitude and a water bender like me

Yang Myung is the boy. The Fire nation crown prince. Brown hair like mine and Amber eyes, a fire bender and hot headed attitude like his father.

And suddenly someone hugged me "What are you smiling at?" He said and I hugged back "Nothing" I said and he smiled and kissed my forehead.

Zuko and I go down to the living room and saw the gaang. I smiled widely and saw Sokka and Suki together.

They had a daughter named Se Ryung

I saw Toph wearing a betrothal necklace made by Aang and they are traveling around the world.

Tylee and Azula are in there sitting and watching the kids play. And Queen Ursa just watching at us. Uncle Iroh making us tea as usual...

Yeol, Wol and Misus decided to go back the back to the province and start a new life.

Zuko smiled and wrapped his arms around my shoulders and smiled.

I smiled widely how beautiful our life is now.

People you will meet will give a lesson.
You will meet them for a reason.

Just like how the seasons change. People also change.

Even when you are opposites. There is always a lesson that things are always bound to happen for a reason.
And love..

Some will give up in order to take balance of the world.

You have to lose something to gain another. Because losing everything we owned helps us find ourselves.

There is no evil nation and there is no good nation. There are great people in all of them and terrible enemies in all of them. There is light and dark everywhere. And even though some fight for power, some fight for equality, some fight spirits and some for freedom. In the end they fell, but their ideals did change the world, After all nothing really ends, it grows, it evolves, it transforms and the cycle continues.
The world that shows that love is the key to be balanced and peaceful. You just have to find your true destiny...

In a place where one flowers wilts, another flower will bloom. In a place where the wind blows, a different wind blows again, but I will hold onto the memories of my first feeling of love forever.
After all, That's how water and flame works. Completely opposite but also completely compatible.
So.... This is the official end to my story
Water and flame :)

Guys! I would like to thank you for reading this story. I really really really really appreciate your efforts of reading this story!

Actually... I am planning to make another story of Zutara.. But a modern one. Just planning hehe. But anyways. Thank you all!

I won't mention any names cause I thank all of you. I really appreciate each and everyone of you for being patient reading this story. Even though I am a slow updater you guys still read my story.
That's all guys! Thank you so much. You guys inspired me to write and I hope if I write another story you guys would read it happily! :)

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