Chapter 52

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"Where is Misus? Why isn't she here yet?"

"I don't know Sir" Zibo said

Just don't try to fool me.

"Sir a new message arrived, She said that you must go to the quarters if the jeomjang-i The other jeomjang-i are asleep so it is safe" Zibo said

"Fine." I said and we started walking

After walking for hours we finally reached the main gate of the Jeomjang-i's and the head is waiting for us. Her upper clothes is black and so is the lower, it's not their royal uniform.

"This way" she said

We followed her and then we entered a room where she only said a word then suddenly it Start's to open

We entered the room and then I found this room very unusual, The room is so big but in the middle there is something that's engrave on the floor a big circle and inside the circle it's the four nations combined but with a tree in the middle. And a small table with a jar in the middle then Flames in the sides

"What is this place? How come that it is so big but only few things are inside." I said

"This is were I will perform the black magic. I am the only one who can enter this room. Because I'm the only one who can perform the black magic" she said

"I see" I said "Do it now" I said

She bowed "Your allies must be outside the room. Only you Sire." She said

"Get out" I ordered the allies, they immediately get out of the room.

"Now, do it!" I said

"Yes" she said

She proceed to a big gong and then made a noise. She go to the jar and stab her hand with a suspicious knife, Her blood went through the jar and then she put some suspicious paper with suspicious writings in it, It started to flame first green flame, violet, blue and red flame she danced in the middle of the engraved circle on the floor. She moved like a water bender, also a fire bender, earth and air nomad and then she shouted


"Gods of heavens! Fulfi the wish of the human! And remain peaceful!"


"Lady Katara, of the Southern Tribe, the crown princess! Willnbe the one receiving the black magic! Give me strength My Lord!"

"Ommabarani" she exclaimed

And then the wind inside the room started to go fast it's raging fast. The wind is so fast and strong even though there are no windows and the door is closed. The wind is getting more fast and stronger and suddenly the wind circled around her. It circled and circled and Misus whispered "It will start soon" the winds keel on circling her and suddenly a black smoke starting to come out of the jar and joined the wind circling around her and the wind turned black. Misus starts controlling the black wind fuses it out of the roof and everything stopped. The wind stops.

"It will be on Katara soon. She get sick by tomorrow and die in a few days." She said

She bowed "I fulfilled my promise. So I think you should do yours too." She said

"Until the Maiden gets sick and die. I'll grant it you'll be leaving for years to regain your shamanic powers. But if she doesn't die I will make sure you'll be beheaded by trying to kill the crown princess" I said

She stand up "I assure you that she'll get sick tomorrow. There's mo need to worry." She said

"Just make sure of it." I said

"The ceremony is done. You should take your leave" She said

"I will. Make sure you will keep these as a secret. This is beyond you and I." I said and left

Face your fate Katara.
Your destiny and fate is to die, not to live in welath and royalty with the Wench Firelord

Outside the room there are more than 50 guards and more than 5 servants assisting her. The black smoke entered katara's room without no one knowing. The black smoke started to surround katara while she's sleeping the black smoke started to surround her neck and starting to suffocate her. She woke up unable to breath properly she tried to stand up but it can't be handled. She crawled towards her door to scream for help but it's no use. The black smoke suffocated her more and more and until she loose consciousness in front of her door. 

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