Chapter 57

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I am going to the palace right now to deliver the message. I want to tell them personally.

While walking I saw a teen cooking food for the children I stared at her.

It reminds me of Katara

When she's being the Mother of the gang, how she fought with Toph.

She's cooking and giving us food all the time.

Our healer

The precious motherly teen of the Gang

My little sister whom lean on....

Now gone...

I said in my thoughts and without realizing, my tears are starting to fall. I wiped them away.

"I have to be strong" I said and continued walking

As soon as I got in the palace, I immediately said that I need an audience with the Fire lord.

"I'm Chief Sokka of the Southern Water Tribe and I wish to have an audience with the Fire Lord." I said

"This was Sir." The guard said.

He lead me to the chambers of Zuko. My Brother-in-law-to-be.

We reached the chamber of Zuko and Announced my presence and immediately entered

"Sokka." He said

I looked at him and bowed. I looked at his eyes. He have circles under the eyes and big eyebugs.

"Your Majesty" I said

"No need for formality. We're in laws afterall. Right?" He said

I just bowed and then he smiled.

guess you don't know yet eh?

"So" He paused "How's my crown princess? I'm writing letter for her."he said and get a piece of paper and started to write

I frowned and he looked confused

"A-about that." I said

I lower my head and a tear fell "She passed away last night." I said

The inkstone fell and an extreme shock was in his face.

"What?" He asked

"She's g-gone?" He asked

"W-whhy" He said and started to sob and clenched his fist and stand up

"Where is she??!?" He asked

Zuko stumble his way to Katara and rages me and hi guard to get out of the way in order for him to get out of his room. I pushed him back and still holding him. Zuko cries, he calls out for Katara repeatedly.

"Katara." He whispered

I sit him down like a child and tears fall of to my cheeks "Let's forget this." I said

"What about a sword fight?" I asked

Zuko looked at me sharply "We need to cool off. We part of the gang, I'm her brother, you are her crown prince and we are in laws to be." I said offering my hand for him to stand up.

He accepted my offer and ordered his Eunuch to ready his clothes for his sword training with me. The Head Eunuch lead us the way were Zuko is practicing.

We reached the area. And Zuko gets his sword from the Head Eunuch and positioned himself and so do I

We dueled, Both begin with our left hands and switch to our right once we're tire, demonstrating even further our high and matched abilities. We swing the swords left and right but no one got hurt. I jumped up in the air to change places with him and I swing the left sword and so he is. Zuko attacked me with a different angle. But I managed to corner his sword and able to threw away the sword. I put raised my sword unto his neck. And he skipped a breath

"If I were to slay this, Your throat will be slit" I said

And I force smiled at him "I won" I said and put my sword down

I won. And suddenly I heard someone who said 'yes' Zuko and I looked on the same direction which is behind the wall we saw her and immediately hide.

Wait? feel like know her

"You know her?" Zuko asked

"I feel so." I said

Zuko forced smile "Every time we have sword trainings I always see her hiding behind that wall. I don't know who's she's watching or admiring. But now I know it's you." He said

I was shocked. She's been watching us? Strange.

Ah! It's her yes.

"I know her." I said

"Who is she? Is she someone new? What about Suki?" He asked

Woah. That's beyondt he limit

"No. Me and Suki are still together of course. She's Katara's Maid. Katara even gave her a name. Wol" I said

And suddenly he frowned obviously he remembers her Crown princess. I tapped hi shoulders and bowed at him "Thank you for your time with me." I said

He bowed back "Anytime. We always do this. But next time no formalities." He said

I laughed a bit and so He is "Just smile. Life will go on Zuko, With or Without her." I said and proceeded to the door and wave at him

Life still goes on. With or without Katara, I have to live. But she'll always be in my heart.

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