XI- Awake

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"Mmmmh" Katara was groaning. She moved her left hand she felt that Zuko is sleeping Beside her sitting in the wooden chair holding her Right hand. Katara was shocked

She slowly move her hand out from Zuko's, But Zuko felt it Zuko saw Katara awake.

A smile filled in Zuko's Face Zuko Immediately went up and Hugged her Tightly "I'm so glad that you're already awake" he said softly but joyfully. But Katara Cut the Hug. "How long did I slept?" Katara asked Zuko looked her Eye to eye "About two days, Azula hit you so hard, you need to rest" Zuko said. "But what about the Miss--" Zuko put one finger to her soft lips 

"The hunting of Azula can be move, All you have to do is to have some Rest and get Strength." Zuko said seriously

"But--" Katara Complained

"No Buts Katara" Zuko said He go to the Door  "Just stay here I'll buy some food" 

"I want to come with you" Katara said, she fixed herself in the mirror and go to the door with Zuko

"You need some rest" Zuko said 

"I want to come, you don't know the kind of food that I like" Katara Explained

"But--" Katara Put One finger to Zuko's Lip "No Buts Zuko" Katara Said and smiled teasingly  "I'll be downstairs." She said and leave..

Walking downstairs She was talking to her self

Why is he sleeping beside me?

Why is he guarding me all night?

Why is he holding my hands?


Katara is thingking so Much she never noticed she bumped into someone "Hey!" Katara said "Sorry" He said Katara Looked up to the Guy, "I'm Sorry too" Katara said softly

The Guy smiled "It's Okay, by the way I'm Chao, from the Northpole" he said smiling at me extending his right hand.

Katara was shocked. and Bowed at him

Katara give the pleasure "Katara, Of the Southpole".


Chao. hahaha It's Like Zhao xD UD again Vote and Comment please :D Lovelots <3

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