Chapter 71

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I slightly opened my eyes. Wincing in pain and remembered what happened

I was hit over the head. By the servant and mentioning the ministerss have already caught the jeomjang-i, Arang.

I opened my eyes in shocked and saw a man in the other tables sleeping his books that his reading.

I looked at his face trying to figure out who he is. And I suddenly saw arrows on his head. And made the Avatar shock.

I stand up and bowed my respects and suddenly a blind girl entered the door. It's toph.

The Avatar was awake and saw me standing with wide eye looking at the both teens. I looked at them and suddenly a lady with a kyoshi warrior outfit entered. It's Tylee. I met her in the woods.

I bowed to them respectfully "You're awake. We saw you laying in the floor with your head bleading. What happened?" The avatar asked

"Someone just accidentally hit me which caused me to loose my consciousness" I said and toph suddenly stomped the floor

"You are lying Prince." She suddenly said

I bowed down "I-I am sorry but what happened is personal." I said

"We save your life and-" toph said but the words were cut by the avatar

"It's okay we understand." The avatar said
"Why don't you eat for awhile?" He asked

"No thank you. I need to go to the palace it's very urgent" I said

"Then we can go there together! We are going to the palace too!" Tylee said

I Backed out dressing up my other garments and my shoes "I-I really can't I have to go meet someone in the palace right now. I promised her." I said

And toph smiled foolishly "it's a girl. Go now. We don't want to ruin your day just because you're late" she said

I bowed to them and immediately ran outside the house. And run through my house. As soon as I entered my house outside the palace I immediately changed my clothes into a grand prince uniform. I straightened my robe and top knot my hair and go out side my house As I walk by some people are bowing seeing my presence. While walking something popped in my mind

'Who are the ministers that caught the jeomjang-i?'

'Why are they eager to get that Lady so much?' I whispered

"I have to save her." I said and saw the big palace in front of me. I walked to the gates and the guards bowed they are about to announce presence but I said not to.

I silently entered the palace gates. Without anyone knowing even the Firelord, the Firelady, The Fire Queen and The Fire Queen Dowager. I immediately go to the Science bureau.

This is the one I suspects the most.
They are the part of clan with the Firelady's father. I arrived to the science bureau and saw the Minister of science talking to the guard and suddenly saw me. His eyes widened and he's stuttering. I smiled to him widely.

Like nothing happened.

"It's been a long time. Minister of Science!" I said happily but yet sarcastic

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