X- Heal

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Katara and Zuko get an inn so katara Can Rest.

Zuko entered an inn Bringing Katara in bridal style "one inn please" Zuko said. The old woman smiled "Oh what a very cute Couple" Zuko's eyes widend "Oh no, no Miss Were just Best.... Friends" He said

The Old Woman smiled "Oh young man, Let the wind Take you to love." Then the old woman gave the keys. Zuko just Bowed and walk away.

Zuko put katara in the Bed.  Zuko just watched her.

Then katara Whisper. "Zuko." Zuko was shocked. and then she continued "Thankyou" She said and continued her sleep

her Tanned skin

her angelic and soft voice

her brown hair

and her Shinny Blue Eyes

Katara is really Beautiful. Not just pretty but Beautiful.

He said in his thoughts

Then he remembered what the old woman said.

"Oh young man, Let the wind take you to Love"

Zuko Smiled. And Watched katara Once more Again and after a few minutes he fell asleep Sitting beside Katara.

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