Chapter 77

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The sun is starting to go down. The ladies of royal jeomjang-i dressed me up as a human talisman once again..

But my mind can't get over to the belongings that Mother has. I have dressed once again as a human talisman even though I am not a real one. I feel guilty though.

I walked outside the room seeing Mother, Wol and Yeol waiting for me. And I saw Wol in tears.

"Lady Arang" she said I just go towards them and smiled.

I look at Mother who's already looking at me. "Mother" I said and she hugged me. Yeol and wol joined.

"Arang" she said

"Yes Mother?" I asked and she broke the hug and I saw tears in her cheeks. She looked me into my eyes

"No matter what happen, no matter what you will know. Always remember that we did that for you. Forgive me for my selfishness" she said and my face turns into more confusion. But instead I just hugged her once again and whispered

"No matter what it is. I owe you. You took me when no one else was. You stand here as my mother and defended me like your own daughter. Thank you Mother for everything." I said and I broke the hug

She smiled foolishly "You're too dramatic" mother said and I just giggled. And noticed that the Minister of science is walking towards our direction and he stop. Signaling that I should go to them.

"I must go now mother they are calling for me" I said looking at her but she didn't answered

"Be careful lady arang" Wol said and I look at her and smiled

"Be safe Lady Arang" Yeol said and I just smiled.

I turn back to them and started to walk and suddenly mother held my hand. I looked back to them once again and she gave me a dagger

"Bring this dagger with you" she said and I looked into her eyes.


"The moment you will enter the room. Danger will start" she said


"What?" I asked her. She's confusing me too much. And she held my hand together with the dagger and held it tighter.

"As soon as you're done at Lady Katara's chambers they will fetch you at dawn. And no matter what, this dagger will save you." She said. I just nodded and get the dagger. I looked at the dagger and opened it.

"Never give up without a fight." I whispered and closed the dagger. I hide the dagger and walk towards the minister of science

What danger will I encounter?
Why me?

As soon as I reached the minister of science I saw three suspicious men in black with black straw hats and they are holding swords.

Is this the danger mother is talking about?

"Why are there armed men here? I am not going to a battlefield" I asked and he smiles foolishly

"I need my safety lady arang. We don't know what may happen" he said and he lead the way.

Why do he have to emphasize the word lady arang?

He never called me like that.
We kept on walking until we reached the east chambers. They stopped walking.

"From this line. You will go by yourself now. We will lock the doors and fetch you by dawn" he said I just nodded.

I wall through the door and staand infront of it. "This is it" I whispered and inhaled I slowly opened the door. I removed my black shoes and entered the room. I closed the door. And about 2 meters far I heard locks being locked in the door.

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