C36- Plan

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Sokka called a meeting just for us team avatar. He told us everything about Mai and His father. It was all planed, They Planed it together. I-I can believe it I trusted her. And I can't believe I Loved Her!

"What are you going to do Zuko?"  Aang said

"I-I don't know, I can't believe Mai would do that." 

I can't believe it. Mai just lied! And I don't love her. 

"Well she did! We need a plan!" Sokka exclaimed

What plan!? Think Zuko. Think.

"Yes a plan would help. We need to make a plan before the Winter Solstice come" Suki said 

"And guys, do you think we should tell this to Tylee?" Suki asked

"I don't know.." I said

"PLAN?!" Toph suddenly cried out "Why do we need a plan if  Sparky can end this right now."


"How Toph?" Aang asked 

"Look. This is an arranged marriage and Fire Queen Ursa agreed. If Sparky over here will tell the truth to his Mother. Queen Ursa will change her mind. Besides, Sparky is the Fire Lord He has the authority to stop this like it or not." Toph suggested

She's Right.. But Mai's Father. 

"No." I said 

"Why?" Everyone said simultaneously except for Katara.. She's not talking since  the minute we started this conversation. Why? 

"I can't do that. First and foremost. She's my mother Toph. My Mother. She has the authority too as a Fire Queen and as a Mother to me. From now on every decision I'm going to make will be approved to my Mother." 

"But you can convince her" Aang said 

"How? How can I convince her if I don't have anything to prove that Mai is a traitor." I said

"That's the problem.." Sokka said. 

"You can't convince her. But Uncle Iroh can" Suddenly Katara retorted. 

"I support Sweetness' motion." Toph said pointing at Katara. 

"I'll talk to Uncle. I'll tell everything we know." I said

And then Katara stand up. "It's settled then. You're going to tell this to Uncle Iroh and wait for him to talk to Queen Ursa and then later on Queen Ursa will be convinced to stop the arrangement of the wedding."

It's not that Easy!

"Hey. It's not that easy to convince Her!" I shouted

"Yes it's not. but we need to stick at the Plan. That's our only choice.!" She said

Arrgh.. I stand up..

"Don't act as if you don't care.! This is for the world's sake. You're being selfish!"

"I'm not, I'm just telling this because. You're thinking too Negatively!" She said 

"No I-" 

"Stop this!!" Sokka exclaimed. "We should be sticking together. Not fighting." 

"Sokka's right." Aang said. 

"No. The problem is what's with Sparky and Sweetness? Both of you are acting odd after the party. What happened? you two are being smug." Toph's said

"Yes. Katara? Zuko? Why?" Suki said.

"This stupid meeting is over." Katara said and walked away

"Suit yourself." I said and walked away too. 


Sorry for the super late Update

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