C34- What now?

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After what happened to Me and Katara, I don't know how to face her anymore. I don't want to get up in my bed. Why? Ity's hard to be rejected?

"Zuko?" Uncle knocked. I didn't answer. I just closed my eyes and try to sleep

"I know your awake." Uncle said putting a tray besides my bed. "What uncle?" I said

"Something is bugging you nephew. What is it?" He said. I sit down and try not to face Uncle 

"Uncle." I sighed "I confessed." I said tears starting to flow in my cheeks "You confessed to whom? You're with Lady Mai?" Uncle asked.

"I-I don't love her Uncle. I confessed to Katara, just last night. Sh-she rejected me" I said. Uncle smiled 

"Say what Zuko?" Uncled said "What if Princess Katara ended up with another guy?" Uncle asked. I looked at him and smiled. "Even though, how much they love her. She's Mine. Only mine." I said and leave uncle at the bed.

I got dressed up I attend to a meeting with Aang, I arranged the bills, taxes and others that the Fire lord has to do. "Hey." I heard a voice. I looked behind and it's Mai

"Hey" I said "You look bored" She said. I just looked at her. She smiled "Come on, Let's have a Date" said. 

"I'm busy" I said. "I'm also your girlfriend Zuko!" Mai cried out.  Yeah right, MY girlfriend  "Fine"

Mai and I go to other places but my mind bother something. or should I say someone. But i suddenly heard Mai put a topic "So, How's your travel with Princess Katara?"'

"It's fine." I said. "Oh--" Mai's words are cutted because a servant ran to us "Lord Zuko and Lady Mai" A servant said

"What may I help you?" I said. The servant pointed a carriage "Lady Mai's Father is here." The servant said. 

Our eyes widened and then I look at Mai. Mai raised her hand "I don't know anything about it." she said. 

"There you go! The two sweet couples!" Mai's father suddenly appeared out of nowhere. 

"Father, what are you doing here!?" Mai asked "It's a pleasure for you to be her Sir, What brings you to the Fire Nation Capital Sir?" I asked 

Mai's father smiled

"Lord Zuko......Since you two are already are couple more than a year, Me and your Mother Queen Ursa have an agreement. Both of you will be in an arranged marriage." Mai's Father said

WHAT?! Marriage?! To mai? 

Why Mother? I don't love Her

Mai smiled "Did you hear that Zuko!" Mai said happily. I fake smiled "Y-Yes Mai." I said and kissed her forehead. 

What Now?

Mai's father smiled and extended his hand for a hand shake

"I Hope my soon to be Son-in-law will take a good care of my daughter?"

I fake smile again

"I assure you that Sir" I said and extended my hand to for the stupid hand shake

"Good then! The Wedding will be next month. The day of Winter Solstice!" Mai's Father said and leave



Oh no, An arrange marriage! Nooo

Sorry for the late update guys :(

And sorry for this chapter tooo :(

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