Chapter 64

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6 years.. 6 years had passed since she passed away. lot had change ever since she's gone.

I'm still the Firelord, Mai is still the  Queen.
Chao has been accepted as my brother and became a Grand Prince.
Mai's father became the Left prime minister.
Sokka became my Royal Body guard and married to Suki.
Aang still travels the world to help and come here often.
Toph left and created a school for earth and metal bending.
Tylee became the leader of the Kyoshi Warrior since Suki became married and decided to stay in the Fire nation.
Uncle Iroh continued his business in Ba Sing Se.
Everyone continues their life even me. But a big hole in my heart will never be gone as she pass away in the living world. still can't accept it. For 6 years I've been fighting justice for her.
If she's here... wonder what she looks like. just wonder.

I said in my thoughts looking at the sky.. While I was in the bridge.

"Your Majesty." Do chin retorted

"You should go back in your quarters. Today is windy you might get a cold" he said

I smiled
Today is your death anniversary. I've been going to temple for six years. Still praying for you.

"Do Chin"  I said

"Yes your majesty?" He asked

"The day today is great. Why don't we go for archery?" I asked sarcastically

"Yes?" He asked

"Call the Subjects! Tell them to go to the field right now! We're playing archery." I said

"Yes Your Majesty" Do chin said and left

My retainers walked with me to the field. After half an hour I saw my subjects at the field waiting for me.

And then minister of court of justice suddenly asked "Your Majesty, the day today is windy. Why play archery all of a sudden?" He asked

I looked at him sarcastically and smiled foolishly "Windy? Today is a great day!" I said sarcastically and get the bow and the arrow.

I pulled the string and let go of it it hit the board about 15 meters away and then a retainer exclaimed "Bulls eye!"

"Your Turn Prime minister" I said

He get the bow and arrow and also did the same thing. The retainer exclaimed "Bulls eye!" And then he get another arrow and shoot another to the board the retainer exclaimed once more and eaved the red flag "Bulls eye!"

Everyone clapped even me. "Your good Left prime minister." I said

He smiled at me. "Your grace are immeasurable Your Majesty. However the holes are big that's why I was able to shoot accurately." He said

I smiled foolishly "Really?" I asked

"Yes your majesty. The holes of the board are that big that's why I can able to shoot accurately" he explained

Damn you. "Ohh." I said sarcadticlly and circling him

"So, you also knew the big holes in the palace?" I asked sarcastically to him and smiled foolishly

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