Chapter 74

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I go outside the meeting hall right after I receive the royal order....

My heart beats fast. I don't want to do this. But I have to.

I am afraid. So nervous my hands are shaking..

The is slowly going down but it is still afternoon. I decided to walk outside the palace and roam the market.

I walked outside the Palace and starting walking outside the palace. I wander around. Looking the jewerlies, the food and the commoners walking around.

And at the corner I saw a green house. I entered the green house. And saw plants and flowers inside. I walked around and I saw a carving beside the door. I cane closer to look and notices that the carvings is a name.

"Chao" it says.
This is the green house he wants me to go and wait. I sighed and go outside the house.

I keep on walking the market place and noticed someone is following me. I looked back and he hid himself. I continued walking and I noticed that the street I entered have only few people. I looked back once again and he his himself again.

I can't take this. I ran and ran he chased me. What is that he wants from me?

I ran and my foot slipped I stumbled myself and immediately get up but hard to ran because my foot is fractured "argh" I winced in pain
I still tried to run and someone pulled my hand I stumbled and he catches me. I get up but he is still holding my waist. I looked at his silk clothes and noticed he's a noble man. I slowly look up and saw his golden amber eyes.

H-his M-majesty.

My eyes widened but he just stared blankly at me. And the man chasing me saw us. "Give me the lady, noble" he said

His Majesty let go of me. And stand in front of me "You can take her but you need to go through with me first." He said and he's on his fire bending stance. The man positioned himself and the man made the first move Zuko dodge with with a fire and kick him making him to fall in the ground his majesty burned his Sleeves and grabbed his collar "Who are you what do you want.?!" He said

"S-someone o-ordered m-me" the man said
His Majesty clenched his fist and grabbed him harder. He removed hi one hand and took off his hat

The man's eyes widened. "Y-your M-majesty, F-firelord Zzz-zuko" he said stuttering. And His Majesty grabbed him harder

"Who order you to do this?! Tell me or you will be beheaded." He warned

"Th-the F-fire" he stopped stuttering

"Who is it?!" He exclaimed

"It is Your Majesty's wife! She t-told me to f-follow the jeomjang-i!" He said and His majesty let go of him

My eyes widened. Th-the Fire Lady?

His Majesty looked at me and I bowed.
"Why are you here?" He suddenly asked

"I was roaming in the market place Your Majest-"

"Call me Zuko" he retorted

He said and we decided to walk in the market place together..

The atmosphere is strange, so awkward and odd. And suddenly we encountered a puppet playing. People are watching happily. I looked at his majesty and noticed that he is already looking at me.

"Would you like to watch?" He asked I smiled at him and he nodded.

We go to the counter to pay our tickets. Zuko was about to bring out his money and noticed that his money is gone. He searched hi clothes but he found nothing. While he is searching for his money. I already paid our seats without his knowledge. I smiled and held his hand "I already paid. Just consider it as my gratitude for saving me to the Firelady awhile ago and to the man who follows me" I said and let go of his hand

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