Chapter 73

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"Chao" she said looking from the afar.

"What?" I said looking at her quietly

"Do I resemble Lady Katara so much?" She suddenly asked and lower her head

My eyes widened
Yes arang you resemble her so much
You even have the same attitude.

I looked at her "Why did you ask?" I said

"The first time we met you called me Katara" she said

The royal procession

"The time I met His Majesty's body guard he almost called me Katara" shr said

"Sokka" I whispered

Even Sokka..also think she's Katara

"And Firelord Zulo called me Katara for how many times." She said

And even Zuko.

"Zuko." I whispered and looked at her once again "Yes. You resemble her a lot. The chocolate hair, the tanned skin, the voice and especially the sapphire eyes. It's Katara's assets and it was also your assets. Who are you really Arang? Are you really sure you're from the firenation?" I suddenly asked.

"I don't know" she said and I stared at her "you don't?" I said said and she nodded and looked into the Chrysanthemum flowers again

"After an exorcist encountered my body. The exorcist made me a jeomjang-i and being a jeomjang-i means forgetting your past. I forget my past recollections but Mother said that my parents left me after knowing I was possessed by the exorcist. So she took me I am greatly indebted to her, Misus" she said looking the flowers

"You are not really katara" I whispered

"I really am not." She said and she looked at me
"I am a Jeomjang-i, she's the greatest water bender, I am a commoner she's a princess, I am a lowly jeomjang-i, she's a princess and lastly both of you and the Firelord gave your heart to her but to me you don't. We are completely different." She said

I gave her heart and torn into pieces. Now you fixed it and I am going to give to you this time.

And from afar I suddenly noticed someone looking us. I looked carefully and saw red robes and a crown. Is it Zuko? I said to myself. He was about to go to our direction But I suddenly pulled her small arms and hugged her tightly. I just looked at Zuko.

"She's gone. Forever gone in this world" I said "I-I didn't knew" she whispered

Zuko and I are staring each other.

"But now you opened my heart. You made me smile once again after how many years." I said and her eyes widened and I let go of her.

I made a frozen chrysanthemum because I noticed she really likes the flower.

I made it for her to remember me.

She smiled at me "Thank you so much Chao" she said

Spirits she's damn beautiful. We stared at each other

And we heard someone exclaiming "Royal Jeomjang-i Arang!!!!" She exclaimed

She stand up and I looked at the court lady running towards our direction. She reached our direction panting. Arang patted her shoulders "calm down" she said and Arang looked at me.

"You have a royal order from the Fire Queen Dowager. You need to go to the meeting hall now! The subjects are also in there!" The court lady said and I looked Arang. She also looked at me. I just nodded and smiled at me and lipsync a word saying 'Thank you' I smiled at her nervously and she ran with the court lady as fast as they can. I looked to the direction where Zuko was awhile ago but he's gone.

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