C40- Meeting

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"I'm calling a meeting. Now! Tell them it's urgent"

"B-but your Majesty." An advisor said

"No buts! Tell them it's the Fire Lord's command! Now!" I exclaimed out

"Yes, your majesty" He said and immediately find the everyone

The advisors come with me to the Throne room and waited for the the Gaang, White Lotus officials and other retainers

A war?! Over to whom? To what Nation?!
I need to announce this!

The Gaang entered the room and the retainers also the White Lotus Officials are at the back.

"What happened?" Aang asked

"I received a letter. It's not a fire nation seal nor a water tribe, earth kingdom or air nation seal. It's very underfined" I said

"What does the letter says?" Uncle Iroh asked

"It says they are going to attack Fire nation in two weeks" I said

"Two weeks, That's the day of Winter solstice." Uncle Iroh said

What does it connects to the Winter solstice to the war?

"So, I want the retainers to approve my decision and What's with the winter solstice Uncle?" I said

"What decision your majesty?" One of the retainers asked

"If there's really a war. I would like to prepare my Royal guards, the soldiers and the private soldiers" I said

"Your wedding day is on Winter Solstice and Mai's father Arranged that. Isn't that obvious? Their are the one a who sent this letter. They are the one who's planning this war and you can arrest them to High Treason. Because they want to dethrone the Fire Lord " Uncle Iroh said

"About the wedd-" I was retorted by Aang who's complaining something

"You're planning them to be prepared? It means new war? This can't be. Many nations are still on process and constructing their cities." Aang complained

I didn't say we would attack

"No. I just want my soldiers to be prepared. But If they attack the Fire Nation. We will do my best not to shed blood." I said

"Okay." Aang said

"So what are you planning Zuko?" Sokka said

"I want to Create more swords. I want every Royal Guards we will be holding swords." I said

I called one of my retainers


"Yes your Majesty?"

"I order you to tell this to the Captain of the Royal Guards tell him to train them to use swords. In case the rebellions will attack"

"I receive your order your majesty." Fei said and left

"Uncle Iron, I want you prepare the white lotus in case that the rebellion will attack soon"

"And I want you all the be prepared. They might trick us so we need a plan."

"What plan?" Toph asked

"The main door will be guarded by the Royal Guards and 10 white lotus members, The west door will be guided 60 soldiers and another 8 white lotus members, The east door will be guided another 60 soldiers and another 8 white lotus members and same as the North door."

"Do you still need the help of the Kyoshi Warriors?" Suki asked

"No need just let them protect your city we have enough soldiers" I said

"And all Private soldiers will be guarding the palace. The 1st team will be visible and 2nd team will be invisible"

"And about the Wedding to be held."

"What about the Wedding Sparky?" Toph asked

"I'm canceling the marriage. Since I have a higher position than Mother, Mai and his father will be arrested through High treason. With the evidence that they want to rule the Nation and to dethrone the firelord"

"Good that you're fighting now Lord Zuko." Uncle Iroh said

"That's all. I order all of you to be prepared for the attack of the rebbels"

Everyone stand up and bowed to me

"I receive your order your Majesty" Everyone said simultaneously

"That's all. Meeting is dismissed" I said and left


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