C24- Invitation

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On the other hand, at the Fire Nation capital 

Aang and General Iroh were at the throne room "What If Azula--" Aang was cutted to his words when Toph, Sokka and Suki entered the throne room, "Hey Aang! and Uncle Iroh!" Sokka shouted 

"Yes, Sokka?" General Iroh said

"The Earth King gave us an invitation." Toph said "Party for what?" Aang asked

"His Throwing a party for the end of the hundred year war, based on the invitation it says that after their hard work of re fixing the walls again it's time to celebrate and we decided that all of us should come." Suki said

But Aang frowned "I can't go." He said "Come on Aang, just take a break you can move aside the meeting first." Soka said pleading Aang. "No. Azula is still outside, It's still dangerous I nee-" but General Iroh cut his words "No. Avatar Aang you're going to the party, the Ba Sing Se needs your presence, It's important to them that the Avatar is there supporting their Party." General Iroh explained

"But-" Aang tried to stop him but it's no use

"No. I can handle this myself for the mean time, You'll go to the Party like it or not" Iroh said and leave the throne room

"Me and Suki are off to market, You guys wanna come?" Sokka asked? 

"No thanks, Me and Twinkle toes can stay here." Toph said

"Yeah right" Aang said.

"Okay" Suki said and they leave. Leaving Aang and Toph at the throne room


"Too bad sugarqueen and sparky can't attend" Toph said 

"Yeah, About that Toph, I'm going to ask you something." Aang said

"And what is that?" Toph said with a sarcasm 

"Can..--" Aang stopped 

"Can y-yo" Aang sighed heavily. 

"Just tell it Twinkle toes!" Toph exclaimed

Aang sighed heavily once again and looked at Toph "Can you be my dance partner?" Aang questioned Toph 

Toph was completely speechles "Uh. Uh--" She paused and smiled "Sure, anytime Twinkle toes" 

Aanh hugged her "Thank you Toph!" But Toph let go of Aang

"Woah woah Wait Twinkle toes, It has an exchange." Toph said 

"And what is that?" Aang asked 

"Guess it." Toph said smiling

"We're going to have a sparring?"

"No." Toph said plainly 

"Umm, You're goin to get something on me?" 

"No" She said in a monotone

Aang tried everything but his guesses were all wrong

"Okay, I give up" Aang said

Toph smiled at Aang "Uhh, Toph? You Okay?" But she didn't respond 

"Toph?" Aang said 

But still no reply

Toph, Not a funny joke anymore." Aang said seriously 

"Okay Okay" Toph said. And then she hold Aang's palm and they walk outside the Throne room

"H-hey where are we going?!" Aang said panicking, but Toph didn't respond

"Hey Toph, were are we going?!" He said panicking And then Toph stopped walking.

"Calm down Twinkle toes, I'm taking you somewhere, just the two of us, as an exchange" Toph smiled sweetly 

And they continued walking outside the Throne room...


Update :") Wonder where are they going? hmmmm. Sorry for the short Chapter.

Anyways keep reading and Vote and Comment <3

Thank youuu ^__^


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