Chapter 65

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I was sitting in my chambers and reading the petitions of the people. I sighed.

When will this problem will end? I said to myself

I kept on reading the petitions and then Do chin talked "Your Majesty" he said

"What?" I asked

"The Queen Mother has arrived. The Queen is waiting for you outside" he said

Queen Mother? Mother's mother. My Grandmother is here.

I stand up and fixed myself I go outside my chambers and saw Mother waiting for me

She bowed and looked at me smiling "Your Majesty" she said

"Mother" i said and go towards her

"I heard the Queen Mother has arrived" i said

She nodded "let's welcome her." She said I nodded and we walked through the dining hall and mother stopped she looked at me

"Zuko" she said

I looked at her "Yes Mother?" I asked

"Don't tell to the Queen Mother about the plan. Even the fact that you are forced to marry her" she said

Why? I said to myself and sighed "Yes" I said and we entered the dining hall announcing our presence. Everyone bowed as mother and I walked and I saw the Queen Mother with Mai

We reached their station and I sit down beside the Firelady, Mai

And I heard her telling stories about us

And I whispered "Stop paying lip service" and the looked at me I just rolled my eyes and the feast started.

The next day we had a meeting about the taxes of the nation and then someone go to me and whispered

"Your Majesty, The Queen Mother requests your presence right now." He said

I nodded "Excuse myself" I said and left

I proceeded to Queen Mother's chambers and opened the door "Grandmother" I said and bowed respectfully

"Sir down" she said

I sit down "why do you with to see me this urgent matter Grand mother" I asked

He looked at me "I heard about you and the Queen and about your late crown princess" she said I was shocked and looked at her

"Grand mother I said

"I already knew that every time we set that you two will sleep together your heart sickness always trigger so it makes your sleeping together postponed, It's already been years since that always happen" she said

It's not my fault that every time their going to set a date I'm always sick when I am going to sleep with her

"Grandson" she said

I looked at her "Yes Grandmother?" I said

"You need to bear a crown prince by the Queen" she said

"Grandmother" I said

"I will set a date. That you two will have a vacation." She said

I don't want to!

Over my dead body!

"I don't want to sleep with her Grandmother!" I said

"You can't have separate rooms forever!" She said

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