Chapter 72

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What happened that night? At the east quarters?
Her crown princess' quarters.
Do I resemble her that much?

I sighed heavily and cornered myself in the room and suddenly someone burst into the door. And saw a lady in her silk hanbok almost dying in shock and two ladies at the back.

"Mother" I said and half smiled she didn't answered but go immediately towards me and hugged me tighter. Wol and Yeol joined. I hugged back

"I thought you are never coming to get me" I said Mother let go and so is the two.

"Leave us first." She said and the two nodded I just keep my head lower and she looked at me

"I heard you became his Majesty's Human Talisman? Do you even know what you're thinking?" She asked looking at my jeomjang-i uniform

I looked at her "Mother His Majesty won't know." I said

But he already know me. I'm Sorry Mother.

She look at me almost teary eyed "Why are you always defying me? I told you I will be your Mother so you should at least follow my orders! When we arrived I told you not to befriend someone you will encounter but you do!, I told you not to find Wol because she is safe but you do! Do you want to know why I'm always doing this to you! Do you even know why you can't be a Human Talisman?!" She cried out

"Mother" I said softly trying to calm her down

"It'e because you are the Crown Prin-!!!" She stopped her words. She didn't continued making me unable to understand

"Mother this will be my last request. Just let me be His Majesty's jeomjang-i for one month and it will be over now." I said looking at her

She looked to my eyes "A Human Talisman must pretend not to know anything, not to hear anything, not to let her know that his majesty being so close to you. You must leave no trace when you enter and exit his majesty's chambers" she said

I nodded and she just nodded forcely. Just for one month.

"I am merely aware of that fact Mother" I said

And the leader of Royal Jeomjang-i opened the door. "The Fire Queen Dowager requests to see you." She said Misus nodded and left.

And suddenly I saw Yeol and Wol entered. I saw yeol in her jeomjang-i uniform like mine. I smiled at her. She wants this. She really wants to become a Royal Jeomjang-i. The three of us walked outside our chambers and wall through the hallways and suddenly encountered three jeomjang-i talking

"Have you heard? That Her Royal Highness fire queen dowager requests to see the Jeomjang-i that visited his majesty's chambers because of the Queen was amazed at her powers." The jeomjang-i said

"I even heard that she is the daughter of the most powerful jeomjang-i, the retired Royal jeomjang-i leader, Misus. No wonder that they really possess the same power" the other royal jeomjang-i said

"Maybe she's just seducing the Firelord" temhe third jeomjang-i suddenly said and Tell suddenly retorted

"HEY!" SO exclaimed and caught the attention of the three jeomjang-i which made them shock seeing me just staring at them blankly.

"Don't you dare say those words to her!!" Yeol exclaimed

"SHE'S THE MOON!" She exclaimed

What? And Wol suddenly covered her lips tightly and smiled forcely and walked yeol "eh He-he, She means that Misus' daughter's name, Arang, Means moon" she said and go away. I followed them.

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