Chapter 53

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"Is anyone out there?!" Wol cried out

Lee Sol Im entered. "What happene- Oh My!!" she exclaimed

She tried to carry Katara but It's nobuse. Instead she just put it in her lap. "Anyone out there?! Call the doctor NOW! Call Lady Ursa!" Lee Sol Im exclaimed

"Yes!" A guard exclaimed.

"Young Miss!" Wol cried out

"Crown Princess!" Lee Sol I'm exclaimed "regain consciousness please!" She cried out

Wol kept on patting her but it's no use and then Lady Ursa suddenly entered. "What's the matter this early morn- What happened to lady katara?!!" Lady Ursa cried out

Lee Sol Im lay katara down in the bed. "Your Royal Highness." She said "As soon as we enter the crown princess' quarters she's already laying on the floor, pale and without consciousness." Wol said

"Call the Royal Doctor." Lady Ursa said "NOW!" She exclaimed

"Yes." Wol said and rushed outside

After few minutes the royal doctor arrived. Katara is still unresponsive. The doctor checked her pulse tresponsrme figure out her sickness. And then the doctor was shocked. "H-how c-could be?" He asked himself

"What?!" Lady Ursa asked

"H-her pulse is beating fast and stable. She is healthy all along. But how come she's very pale?" The Doctor said "I will get a medicine for the princess for her to regain consciousness" he said and immediately rushed outside.

"What exactly happened to her?" Lady Ursa whispered

The doctor suddenly entered bringing the medicine and gave it to Lee Sol Im "I don't know the Princess' sickness because her pulse is fine and stable but she's very pale and unresponsive. So try giving her this it will help her regain consciousness and reduce her face's paleness." The doctor said

"Thank you. You may leave" Lady Ursa said and the doctor left.

Lee Sol im immediately sat beside Katara and lay her in her lap for her to drink the medicine. After few minutes Katara's hand started to move little by little everyone thought she will regain consciousness but still, there' no response.

"Just let her stay like this. She'll be awake soon" Ursa said and everyone left except Wol staying at Katara's side "Princess, please wake up." She said

After an hour the Crown Princess woke up coughing blood. Wol panicked and called the guard to call the Roya Doctor and to call Lady Ursa.

"Princess!" She exclaimed

Katara tried to talk but it's useless "Princess, Don't talk." Wol said

"Z-zuko" Katara trying to say

And then the Royal Doctor Entered the quarters trying to check her pulse once again the royal doctor has a questioning face "I really don't understand. Her body is fine. She is not poisoned." The Royal Doctor said

"If not poisoned, how come she's coughing blood? She can't be under a magic spell. No Jeomjang-i can perform any black magics to anyone Without my permission." Lady Ursa said

"I apologize Your Royal Highness" The doctor said

"It doesn't matter. Just let her stay her for days. Give her medicines Doctor" Lady Ursa said and left

"Yes Your Royal Highness" The doctor said

"I will bring medicines here. Make sure you will assist her" the Doctor said

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