Chapter 61

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I am sitting at my room clenching my fists
I can't make Mai my crown princess


"Sire." Do chin said

"What?!" I exclaimed

"It's time to meet your subjects" He said

I stand up and proceeded to the meeting hall

As soon as I entered the meeting hall everyone bowed seeing Mai's father wearing an official court uniform

I smiled foolishly to him

"I see that you are here 'Left prime minister'" I said sarcastically

"Yes Your Majesty" he said

I clenched my fist "How come a criminal become a left prime minister? Huh?" I asked

"Your Majesty, I am humbly serving you." He said

Serving my ass
"Serving? Oh my. With you and your daughter by my side. This kingdom will not be in peace" I said

I glared at him "I shall not make his daughter my crown princess and him the left prime minister!" I exclaimed "That is for everyone to clarify that!" I exclaimed

Everyone bowed "Yuur Majesty! Please retract your order!" The subjects exclaimed simultaneously

"NO!" I exclaimed

And they kept on repeating the same phrase.

"Your Majesty, what is the sense of having us, the subjects if His Majesty won't listen to our opinions?" Minister of Justice asked

I clenched my fist and Mai's father retorted

"Your Majesty, why are you still waiting for the dead? Why do you keep on wishing someone's already will. Unless you want to follow her path?" He asked foolishly

I glared at him clenching my fist and almost a fire coming out on my palm

It's you.
It's you who killed her.

"It's you" I said glaring at him.

"Me? Your majesty?" He asked


"Your Majesty I didn't do anything. Please don't let your personal feelings come out." He said

I stand up and shoot fireball at him but he dodge it causing his left arm to be burned


"Your Majesty-" And someone burst into the room

Everyone looked at the door and saw

"Mother?" I whispered

Everyone bowed and I saw her glaring at me.

"May I excuse His Royal Highness." She said

She glared at me

What did I do?

"I'll meet you at the Private garden." She said and left banging the door.

"We're not yet over." I said  clenching my fist and left the room following Mother

I was walking to the hallway "What's wrong with her?"

I saw mother at the Private garden waiting for me.

"Mother" I said and I sit down across her.

"Leave us" she said to my guards and hers.
"What's the matter Mother? Why are you so cold to me? I am certain that He killed Katara!" I cried out

"I am certain too." She said "However, we don't have a proof. We need to give your subjects as an evidence to make them believe that his a criminal." She said

"I can't just sir back and watch that wretched man ruin me and this nation!" I said

I can't

"But Zuko,  Wouldn't you think that he'll be more hurt if we target her daughter." She said

What does that mean

"I don't understand" I said

"Just consider the petitions of the your subjects that he's daughter will be your queen." She said


"No Mother." I said

She sighed "You have to make sacrifices Z-" I cut her

"But not that kind of sacrifice!" I exclaimed

"Mother, I'm not that kind of Man who will only be watching how my woman unjustly died!" I cried out and tears are starting to fall in my cheeks

"Mother, She's the one. The one that I love. S-she l-left a big h-hole in my heart" I said while sobbing

Mother stand up and embraced me tightly "Shh." She said

I clenched my fist and more tears starting fall in my cheeks
"I'll definitely kill him" I said clenching my fist

"Kill him" I said glaring

She held my hand tighter and embraced me more

"Son, Even if you kill them you're emptiness in your heart will never be at ease. Those people you killed will only be replaced by even more and then the same thing will repeat." She said

I clenched my fist "After losing the very special person in my life everything changes. A sudden emptiness gets filled with anger" I said

"I will definitely kill them" I said and stomped the table

"However, The best revenge you will make is to show them how strong you are. Punish them by using their precious ones and they definitely give in. And if we are able to show them the best revenge we will punish them according to the law of Fire Nation. And when his allies saw how greatly punished he is He and his allies will learn the lesson and punish them too according to the law" she said

And then she looked at me "That's the best revenge we will show them Zuko." She said

"But Moth-" she cut me

"I will definitely get rid of them according to the law. Just wait." She said also glaring

"And I will get rid of them definitely will. So participate zuko." She said

"Fine." I said and she nodded looking into my eyes

Just wait. I will stop your filthy dirty works and your treasonous doings.

I will show you how hurt I was when I lose my woman. I will show you by hurting your daughter too. Just wait and see.

I will definitely show you.

I will stop everyone of you

And get rid of you.

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