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After walking Katara and I decided to rest

"It's already Evening, Come on we need to set up camp" I said leading the way 

Katara nodded and followed me

While setting up camp katara talked "Hey" she said

I looked at her. "What?" 

"Can I ask you some Questions?" She said. 

I sit down "Okay. Come on sit down let's talk." I said looking at her

She sat down and talked "Zuko..." she paused "Do you love being the Firelord?" She asked

My Eyes winded "Why did you ask?" I asked her

"Ughh, It's just how can you managed to do that blah blah in just One piece. You're running a Nation, serving them. How can you do them in one piece?" She asked 

I looked at her "Because They're my nation, My Loyalty is to them. I admit it I don't like to be the Firelord, But I need to serve them, Serve my Nation. And I won't use my Power to abuse them. Because it's my obligation is to the nation not to myself weather I like to be the Firelord or not." I said looking to the fire I made

"Ohh Thankyou.." She said. 

"Hey Katara, wait!" I shouted at her.

"What?" She said "Why di you ask that question?" I asked.

"I'm just curious, That's all" She said

"You're Lying" I said.

Katara sighed and sit down again.

"Now, tell me why did you ask that Question?" I asked her

Katara frowned "Because...I don't know, I feel like I don't deserve to be the South Princess, you know I just want to be a Simple Girl from the Southern Tribe" she Paused "That's why I asked you if you Love being the Firelord."

I look at the ground. "Actually Katara I don't like to be the Firelord. We have a simple dream. I don't want to live like royalty. I hate to be called Your Highness or Firelord Zuko" I paused. "I just want to be The Simple Zuko. Teacher of the Avatar, friend of Aang and The blue spirit. That's all. just like the Old days when the gaang was still active. When All of us are still Just..... Simple"

Katara looked at me "Me too I missed the old days." She said

"Yeah right" I replied

And then

"Say what? After this Fuddy duddy Mission. All of us will go to the Vacation?" Katara Suddenly talked

"Vacation? Naaah C'mon Katara everyone is Busy. I'm the Firelord I have alot of Meetings, Sokka as the Southpole Chief His attending meetings with me And Also Aang, His busy meeting with the advisors and attending those stupid meetings, Toph She's busy Planning to make a school for Metal Bending" I paused "And you. You're busy Helping your people as the Princess. Everyone is busy Katara"

"Naah, Zuko Everyone can put that aside first. You're the one who said it. You Miss the Old days. Then let's bring it back." Katara said Determined

"No." I plainly said

"Come on Zuzu." Katara Giggled

"Don't start this Katara."

"Why? Zuzu is a Cute nickname" Katara Laughed.

I chased her Until I bumped at her. We both fell at the Ground and I was at the top. Both of us were speechless. No one moves Even me.

My body is Moving closer. I don't know why. But I just moved it.

Our lips were only Inches away.

"Uhh-uh. I think I need to s-sleep It's getting Late." She said.

I stand up "Yes, It's getting late we should Sleep." I said.

I helped her to stand up.

"Good Night Zuko." She said and entered her Tent

"Good Night Katara"



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Love You all!^-^


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