Chapter 58

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I heard the news from Zuko's Eunuch and He's suffering from moving on because her Crown Princess died.

I feel sad for my Son. I like Katara so much to be the Crown Princess but it all fades and now I can't believe that Mai is the crown princess and the worst about that is the inner court and High court wants that Mai's father to be one of Zuko's subject as a left prime prime minister.

I don't want to do it. But we have to. A traitor and a treasonous person have to be a left primeminister.

I thought while sitting in my chambers. And then a Lady in waiting knocked the door and said "Your Royal Highness, Someone wishes to see you." The lady in waiting said

"Hedidn't said his name. But He said if you go out right now you will recognize him." She said

Curiousity smacks me. And I stand up and immediately get out of my quarters and as soon as I saw him. Tears filled my eyes and I smiled

"Mother." He said

"Son" I said

I ran towards him and immediately hugged him "It's been months, Since I saw you." I said

"How are you, Mother? You never told me that you are the Fire Nation Queen." He said

I smiled at him "I'm glad you're not mad." I said

He smiled at me "Why would I be mad to the Royal Highness?" He said

I smiled at him once more "What brings you here?" I asked

He frowned "The Crown Princess. Whom I admired and liked so much died I came here to go to her funeral but I heard the villegers saying your name as 'Royal Highness' so I rushed here." He said

"I'm glad you are here Son. Come on you need to meet my First born Son, Fire Lord Zuko." I said leading him the way

He nodded and we turned back We saw Zuko watching us in shock.

"Zuko." I said and everyone bowed

"Son?" He said and walked away from us

I looked at him and He smiled at me.

"Go mother. I know it's hard for him to understand." He said

I smiled at him "Thank you" I said

"Lady in waiting Seol give him a room for a while" I said and rushed at Zuko's chambers

I entered Zuko's chambers and I saw him worried. I sit down in front at him

"Zuko, let me expla-" I was cut by his words

"Why are you calling Chao your son?!" He cried out

You knew already? How did you met him?

"You know him. How did you know him?" I asked

"Katara and I met him at the market when we are finding Azula! How did he become your son?! We're almost on the same age! and he's from the Northern Water Tribe!" He exclaimed

He stand up

"HOW?!" He exclaimed

"Calm down I will explain everything." I said and he sit down still clenching his fist like he's ready to fight

I sighed "It was when I was banished, when you are about 4 years old. I was traveling and I met my first love, Ikem whom I thought that your Father killed him. We traveled and had a Son, and that's him Chao. I told him he have an older brother but I never said It was the crown prince he said he will be happy to meet you. A few years later we traveled together as a family and we ended up in the Northern Water Tribe Iken late on changed his name into Bong-sun. And after a few months, I left them because of the Hundred Year War. So, I go to the mainland to see you and watch your coronation. Until Azula made me a hostage in order to get you and Katara." I explained to him

Zuko was on wide shock. He's still in wide eyes

"He is one year older than Avatar Aang, 14 years old same age as Lady Katara you are his Older brother." I said

He stopped clenching his fist and card down I held his hand "Please Zuko, Please. Accept him as your younger brother. I'm begging you." I said to him

He looked away "I-I will t-try." He said

I smiled at him. I stand up and bowed to him

"Thank you so much Zuko, My son." I said and leave his chambers

"Mother" he said I looked back.

"Yes?" I said and sit down once again

"I want to investigate what happened to Katara. I want to know why and how did she got the suspicious sickness." He said clenching his fist

I was shocked "But it will be hard. It may took months and even years. Especially she got sick without any trace. And all the things she touched are prohibited to touch, they even closed the east quarters with my permission. They wanted to close the case of your crown princess" I said

He looked sharply and tear fell to his cheeks and clenched his fist more

"EVEN IF IT TAKES LIFETIME. I will investigate the case." He said

"But I already gave an or-" I was cut by him 

"Do whatever it takes. Interrogate the servants and guards one by one even if we need to interrogate Head Mistress Leo Sol Im I will do it." He said

"But-" I was cut Again

"She was thrown out in the palace like a criminal and I can't let Katara die unjustly like that. No matter what dead or alive, She is still my crown princess." He said coldly

"I understand. I will convince them to open the case."

"I want them on the interregation court right after my crown princess' ceremony. I will interrogate them personally" he said angrily

"We still need to convince your subjects" I said

"This is a Royal Order to them. Like it or not I will open the case. This is the Royal Decree and the Royal Order of the Firelord in this nation" He said looking into his table sharply.

"I understand. I will immediately send the Royal Order and Royal Decree to your subjects." I said

I stand and up and bowed to him and left his chambers

Please Zuko accept him.

Zuko, calm down about your crown princess, I know you're seeking justice for her death but we still have rivals to take care.


Umm, guys this story is made up. In order for you to get it. Just forget the comics of Avatar: The last airbender The Search. Forget that Ikem and Ursa had a daughter named Kiyi instead just let it be that they met again after her banishment and had a son named, Chao.

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