Chapter 68

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Yeol, Wol, Arang and I quickly moved out in the mountains after Wol slipped that Arang encountered with someone.

We moved outside the capital but only the border outside the capital and stayed in an inn.

I was cleaning the cloths Yeol beside me just staring at the bowl of water.  While cleaning cloths Yeol suddenly shouted in shock. I looked at her worriedly

"What happened?" I asked

She looked at me and pointed the bowl of water "The w-water t-turned r-red" she said stuttering

My eyes widened "Someone is going to get caught" I whispered

She looked at me "What will happen?" She asked

"Nothing." I said defensively and she just looked at me suspiciously and Arang came out of nowhere "Mother have you seen Wol?" She asked

Yeol looked at her "Maybe she's gone to the house of Sok-" I immediately cut her words

"She's out. She said she'll be going somewhere" I said and glared at Yeol.

Yeol covered her mouth and just keep looking at the bowl of water that turned into red.

Yeol.. She is a real jeomjang-i who has the same powers as mine. I said in my thoughts

6 yearsago

The day before I dig Katara out of the coffin.

I saw her in the streets. Her master is beating her up.

"It was true! You have encountered an exorcists in your body! I can see it Master!" Yeol exclaimed

"Shut your mouth! And stop saying stupid things! Don't act as if you're a royal jeomjang-i!" The master said and beaten her up with a straw mat

"Get out of here! You stupid psycho!" The master said and threw the straw mat at her and shut the door in front of her

From the day I heard her hearing such things. I already knew that she has a jeomjang-i powers. She was crying that day I took her and let her stay in my old house until the next day I dig in Katara's coffin

I took Katara in my old house and I named her Arang. From that day I knew that Yeol has a great power than mine. She's stronger than me. And knew Arang is the destined moon.

From that time I immediately registered her and Arang to be a jeomjang-i but Arang is only a fake one.

I sighed heavily as I flashed back back these memories six years ago and noticed Arang still standing beside us waiting for Wol in the gate. "Arang" I said

"Yes mother?" She said

"Go back to your room now. Wol will be back." I said

Will Wol will be the one caught?

"Mother she's not yet back! I need to find her outsid-" Arang was cut by her words  words when three noblemen entered the gate of the inn

"Misus it's been six years." The first man said

My eyes widened. And bowed to them respectfully. "Lords, what brings you to our inn?" I asked

"We have something to talk about" the second man said

I looked at Yeol and then looked at Arang "Yeol, Take her inside" I said

"Yes misus" yeol said and guided Arang into her room

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