Chapter 59

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Everyone became sad after hearing that Lady Katara has passed peacefully as if she just went to sleep. Katara is laid to rest in small coffin, a ceremony with people who's been in Lady Katara's life.

I am so Sorry for making you like this Lady Katara. For you passing away with that age

I looked at the sky. I still see two suns

"Why two suns? The only sun is Firelord Zuko? How come there is two suns existing in the same sky? Who is the other one? Is can't be Azula, She's a moon but now removed as a moon." I whispered

Could it be...? Queen Ursa have another son other than Firelord Zuko?

Nonsense thought to myself and Yong, my closest friend I knew tapped me "Were going Lady Misus" Yong said and started to walk.

Everyone is walking. Lady Katara's father thought that her daughter"s funeral will only be a nondescript ceremony, but no it isn't

The Funeral of her late daughter is a ceremony which everyone is frowned. The most brightest moon has passed away.

The Royal Family, A Northern child, Lady Katara's father, Avatar Aang, Lady Toph, the kyoshi warriors together with Lady Suki, Lady Tylee, The White Lotus together with Grand master Iroh and others who met with Lady Katara during the Hundred year war

I feel so sad performing black magic to this child. She is the brightest moon I see, She fits perfectly with the Sun Firelord Zuko.

I regret doing that to her. I really regret everything

We reached the destination were the Princess will be buried. Most of them cried as Her Father starts leading the prayer. And then the men starting putting her down.

The coffin of the princess his the soil and starting to burry her. Everyone cried and I saw the Firelord crying and whispering the Princess. Almost everyone cries when they saw a beloved Princess of the Southern Water Tribe and about to be a crown princess of the Fire nation passed away.

After the ceremony, Some of them left some stayed and even I and Yong stayed with at the graveyard of the Princess. Her Father put a big triangular white stone and it says 'Princess Katara of Southern Water Tribe'

The gaang, the Northern Child, Retired General Iroh, Tylee and Her Father stayed still crying seeing the graveyard of their late princess of the southern tribe.

After few hours they left leaving me and Yong. I immediately gave a signal to Yong

He started digging up the graveyard of Princess Katara.

"Faster." I said

He nodded and continued digging up but still we see no coffin. It's deeper than we thought

"Make it Fast Yong." I said

"Yes." He said and dug up and dug up until we reached the coffin

I immediately opened the coffin and saw Princess Katara catching her breath and causes her to faint again from the lack of oxygen.

I get her and let her rest in my lap I help her hand and checked her pulse. I smiled and held her tighter "My fake Black magic worked. They really thought she's dead. Yong, she's alive." I said happily

"Hurry up. Dig again. Make sure there's no trace we get her body." I said

"Yes." He said and started digging back the soil and put the big triangular white stone into the graveyard

"Yong, Carry her we'll take her to my old house" I said

"Yes" he said

And then a voice came out from nowhere

"Why are you taking the Princess' body? I am Wol, Her humble servant" She said in a blank tone

We looked at the back and saw her in wide and shock but her expression is cold.

I came closer to her and held her hands "Come with me. I will tell everything later." I said

She just nodded coldly and followed us in my old house. We put Lady Katara in a sack so no one will recognize

We are walking into my old house with the Servant of Princess Katara and yong and as soon as we reached my old house. I bought the princess into my chambers and let her rest their

"Keep your mouth shut Yong. Especially to the father of the crown princess. And tell Mai's Father that I will start my leaving today." I said

"I won't. You can trust on me yes I will tell him." He said and left

"Yeol, Rake care of her. Okay?" I said

She nodded. Yeol is my 4 year old jeomjang-i who has the great ability like mine to see the things that normal people don't see

"Wol, Come outside." I said and she followed  with a blankly expression

We sat down outside the princess chambers and she opened the conversation "Why did you take the Princess' body?" She asked coldly

I sighed and told her everything that I was told to perform Black magic to her but I fake it and pretended she is dead and I told her that I will be leaving for years and regain my powers as an excuse.

Her expression changed into a hopeful one but then a concerning expression turned.

"Now, what are you planning to do?" She asked

"I am planing to take her in Miryoung province in the Fire nation but very far in the capital. As soon as she wakes up. The day after we are gonna leave." I said

"Let me come with you. Master Hokada freed me. Please." She begged

Since, The Princess has no one to talked with I have to

"Okay. But you have to keep your mouth shut." I said she nodded and suddenly Yeol burst out from the door

"Head of Jeomjang-i the Lady is awake" She said panicking

Me and wol looked each other and immediately entered the room

Princess Katara, wakes up in an unfamiliar room. She saw me, Wol and Yeol sitting beside her

And then she talked
"Who am I?" She asked
Me and Wol are in great shock. Wol smiled and talked "Of course, You are Prince-" I held her hand tightly

"You are Arang. She is Wol your Servant, She is Yeol, And I am Misus the Head Jeomjang-i" I said

"Where are my parents?" She asked

I held Wol's hand tighter for her not to talk

"They left you to me. They got afraid because you undergo with an exorcism which causing you to be a Jeomjang-i" I said

I am sorry Princess Katara. You will be Arang for awhile. You need to forget every thing for a while even your great abilities of water bending

Forgive  me.

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