Chapter 79

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Today is the day..
The hunting day..
I ready myself wearing warriors suit. And I looked at sokka who is wearing his water tribe warrior uniform. I looked at him and he just nodded.

We go to the meeting hall secretly and seeing the other waiting for us.

I saw Aang in his old Avatar uniform.
Toph in her earth bending uniform
Tylee and Suki in their kyoshi warrior uniform.
The white lotus in their uniform
And sokka and I

Just like the hundred year war

As soon as we entered everyone bowed I go into the middle and inhaled heavily
"This is the day." I said to them

"The day of hunt" Aang said and I look at him

"The day that we will hunt these treasonous people." I said

"Is everything ready for the counter attack?" I asked

Aang nodded "Yes. Chao and Azula passed by here a while ago." He said I look at Aang

"What did they say?" I asked

"That Mai's father ordered Chao that he will be the one chopping your head so that he can have his trust. So in the coup you two will fake on pointing each others swords." Uncle Iroh said and I just nodded.
"We must not fail to defeat them or else we won't have any golden opportunity" I said

Everyone answered simultaneously.
"This meeting is over. I will go the heart of palace with sokka and you go to your perspective positions." I said and they nodded and everyone move discreetly

Sokka and I go outside the meeting hall and saw may retainers. I looked at Do Chin and he nodded.

The courtladies, retainers and Do Chi knew about this and I told them to bring swords.
I walked to the heart of palace. And the man exclaimed

"His Majesty!! Fire Lord Zuko has Arrive!" He said and everyone bowed

I saw Mai, The minister of science, Mai's father, and Chao and Azula beside Mai's Father.

Everyone stand up "This day will be the hunt!" I said and look at The left prime minister

"We will be getting alot of carnivorous animals. So hunt well" I said. And the music starts. I lead walking and then Sokka followed, Do Chin followed, the court ladies and the retainers.

When I reached about 5 paces. Archers showed up in the roof everyone startled. And the earth and metal benders came out. They took cover. And Arrows and rock banging together. And Mai's Father raised up his swords

"ATTACK!!" He exclaimed and the digiised palace guards came out

"NOW!!!!" I exclaimed and on the sides firebenders and waterbenders came out. The left prime minister was in shock and started killing my men. I raised my sword and I saw Chao running towards me

I saw him and I pointed my sword at him. Swords banging together. And I ripped his sleeve and swords banging once again and we've pointed each others neck. Everyone stopped fighting looking at us and Chao exclaimed

"ONE MOVE FROM HIS ALLIES AND I'LL CHOP HIS HEAD OFF!!" He exclaimed and Sokka and the others backed out.

We just stared at each other. And Mai's father just looking at us.
"WHY ARE YOU HESITATING?!" Mai's father exclaimed

"CUT HIS HEAD OFF!!!" He said


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