Chapter 55

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I'm laying in my bed in our temporary residence at the capital and Wol is sitting beside me. I tried to sit down but Wol is pushing me down "Princess, you should be resting. Don't move it may affect your health. The doctor will arrive soon to check you." Wol said

I just nod and follow her directions while resting down I asked her a question "Wol, you should be leaving now. I'm not the crown princess anymore. How come you're not leaving?"

Wol smiled and held my hand "Of all the Ladies I've served you are the only one who gave me a name. I am so fortunate because a nameless servent like me receive a name from a south Princess and Princess remember I promised you? That I will serve you till the end and I admire your brother so much." Wol said

Sokka? How come..

I smiled at her "I see, Thank you. But how did you know my brother, Sokka?" I said and coughed again

"P-princess." She said and help me removed the blood I've coughed and then smiled at me.

"Don't worry Princess. My Lord will bring the drug for you when night falls. I heard him. He'll be doing euthanasia I guess? But what is that euthanasia thing?" Sge asked herself

Euthanasia? Mercy killing? Why father... Giving up already..

tears starting to fall "E-euthanasia?" I asked her

"Yes princess. Why?" She asked

"N-nothing." I said and trying to hold back my tears.

I guess we will have to be apart Zuko. Maybe we are not fated to be.

Wol smiled to me

"By the way, I've known Young Master Sokka ever since the hundred year war is over. While strolling at the capital I heard a story about Young Master Sokka and starting that day I idolize Young Master." She explained

Wow. She admires Sokka that much

I smiled at her and then I coughed blood again. I was trying to sit down still coughing. It's really painfull. Arggh. Painful and then everything turned black

The last thing I heard is Wol screaming my name and calling brother and father.

I heard a doctor at my side checking my pulse and said "Her pulse is really fine My Lord." He said and then I opened my eyes and saw Wol, Sokka and Father golfing ny left hand

"Katara, are you alright? You're pale and your coughing of blood is getting worse." He said

I smiled "I'll be fine father." I said Sokka cried out "Fighting lil'sis! You must endure the pain"

I smiled at him "Prepare for the presence of the Firelord! His Majesty Zuko has arrived!" A man shouted

Everyone was shocked "wait here. I'll talk to him" Father said and I nodded at him.

He left and so is Sokka leaving me, Wol and the doctor.

It took about 10 minutes and Zuko entered my quarters "Zuko." I whispered

"Leave us for awhile" he said

"Yes." Wol and the Doctor said simultaneously

Zuko came closer to me and sit beside my bed he held my right hand "How are you? I heard your coughing of blood is getting worse." He asked

I smiled at him and then tears are starting to fall in my cheeks. "Z-zuko. I'm sorry for letting you down." I said crying

Zuko let go of my hand and bring out a hairclip he made it hold into my hand now he is holding the clip and my hand tightly. He kneeled and held it more tightly and tears starting to fall in his cheeks. "Z-zuko." I said

"Katara, You must get well. Be my Queen. Endure the pain. You must do it for me and wear that hair clip for me eh?" He said

He held my hand tighter "Katara, This clip is a Moon embracing the Sun. I made it by myself. Katara, Always remember that mo matter what happens you will always be my Moon and I will be the sun. Not matter what you will be the one and only Moon that will embrace the one and only sun." He said.

I just closed my eyes and kept on crying and Zuko is repeati g the same words

"Katara, Don't give up." He said and starting to let go of ny hand. I cried more and more

"I will be leaving" he said and I hear footsteps leaving my quarters. Now I'm all alone. I opened my eyes and tried to sit down.

Even though it's painful to standup I still tried and coughed another blood I get the paper and brush crawling into the cabinet and wrote a letter

Zuko your majesty,

I will use my last ounce of strength to write this last letter for you, maybe you can see it, or maybe you won't see it, Just let it stay here, it doesn't matter after writing this letter. Father will soon bring over the drug, and I'm afraid that I will be apart with your majesty in this life. Originally I thought I would never see your majesty before I breath the the last breathe I have, but able to meet you for one last time is already my greatest happiness. Please do not blame yourself, the thing between Your Majesty and me, is enough for me to recall this whole life. Please forget me, I will use my remaining days of life to pray everyday, praying that Your Majesty is healthy, eternal peace and an everlasting imperial King of the Fire Nation.


After I wrote the letter I fold it into two and hid it in my cabinet. I go back to my bed and starting to cough again

It's painful. I kept on coughing until I saw Father entering ny quarters with a tray and a bowl with drug

This is it Katara. I will be in the nether world. Were I will be watching Zuko and family the rest of my life.

"K-katara" he said and sit beside me.

"F-father" I said trembling and coughing. He helped me sit to his lap and hold me into his Arm.

"I-i g-going to give you the medicine okay?" He asked and then a tear fell into his cheek

"Y-yes F-father." I said He get the bowl of drug and starting to make me drink the drug

"J-just bear it more ny daughter" he said and he cried and held me more tighter.

I coughed again "F-father I-it's p-ppainful." I said

I love you father

"I-it will be over soon. Okay?" He said crying looking at me.

"Father don't let me g-go. P-ppllleeasee" I said

He nodded and held me more tighter. My hands are starting to be cold like a frozen Ice. I coughed more blood

"Katara?" He said

I raised up my hand to hold my father cheeks "Katara!!"

"My Precious Daughter!!" He cried out

My hands fell down and my eyes are starting to close, The last thing I heard is

"KATARA!!" Father said crying

And then Everything went black


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