Chapter 69

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Mother entered the guest room with the three noble men I immediately look at Yepl who's eating rice cakes and playing with a dices

"Yeol, I need to find Wol" I said

And then she threw the dices lightly and said suspicious words again "Fire can't be mixed with water." She said

I looked at her suspiciously "I'm going to find her." I said and left the room and quietly sneaked outside the inn.

I walked in the village looking at Wol and keep on asking people if they saw a man that almost looked at the lady.

And half an hour passed. I keep on walking to find Wol. And suddenly thought about what Yeol said

'Fire can't be mixed with water' I whispered

That's it!

"The blacksmith!" I exclaimed happily. I ran through the Blacksmith and looked around but there's no sign of her.

I frowned. I expected nothing.

I just walked outside the blacksmith shop. And decided to walk through the house.

I'll just wait for her there. I walked and three men bumped in me.

I just looked at them... Suspiciously. They are looking at me suspiciously.

"Move aside" I said

And they grabbed me. And put me in a sack.

I tried to let go but it can't be helped. They put me in a carriage with no windows in it. My breath... My breath. It's hards to breathe

I keep on slapping the carriage "let go!" I said repeatedly

"I-I c-can't b-breathe!" I said and loose the strength to slap the carriage wall. I touched my neck really unable to breath.

And then visions appeared

A young lady.. Inside a coffin. Trying to get out and losing her breath and then she loose consciousness.

I throw myself in the corner of the carriage and touched my neck still unable to breathe "Wh-whose m-memories a-are th-these?" I asked myself and everything went black....












I slightly opened my eyes. Seeing the light of the sun. With my eyes slightly open I looked at the side seeing the three men who grabbed me and the three nobles who came by the house.

I pretended to be asleep. "Did you send the letter?" The first man asked

What letter? I asked myself

And then the servant bowed "Yes my lord. I gave them to the owner of the inn and told them to give to a lady named Misus" he said

Mother! Oh no. Am I'm a bait?! I thought to my self

And then the second servant spoked "M-My L-lords, I-I think she's dead." He said stutteringly

And then I felt like the noble man coming towards me and put a finger under my nose. "Fool! She alive" he said and I noticed he's still in front of me. I feel his breath.

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