IX- Show

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At The Middle Of The Forest Zuko and Katara Went for a Break..

Zuko Seem so Worried. He has A Lack of Self Confidence.. Maybe I need to talk to Him Just To Calm him Down.. Katara Said in her Thoughts

"Hey, You seem so very worried" katara said.

He just Looked away..

but Instead katara just Smiled And Patted His Shoulders

"Zuko, we can do this together, Have More Confidence. We'll Find Azula as soon as Possible." I Said..

"How can We Find Her When we Don't even Now Where She Is!!"

He Exclaimed.

"Zuko, I'm Just Trying to He--"

Katara Didn't Continue what she said

"You Don't need to Find me.! I'm Right Over Here."

Zuko And Katara Look













"Azula?!" -They both said At The Same time.

"Missed Me Zuzu?, Oh and You Bought the Peasant." -Azula Said Evily.

Zuko Glared At Her

"Don't Call me that!!" Exclaimed zuko.

"I have My name, You Witch!!" Katara Said

"My my, Zuzu Didn't Miss her Little Sister" Azula Said Sacrasticly

"You're not my Sister!" Zuko Exclaimed

"Oh yeah your not my Brother, Remember The Letter that Mother Written. It says That Your Not Father's Father so It Means I must be the Firelord." She Said playing With her Blue Flame At Her Wrist

Zuko Glared More.

"I'm the Firelord And you Don't Deserve to Serve The Fire Nation!, You And Ozai Deserve in prison Not In a Throne!" Zuko Said.

Azula Glared At Him, She Dodge Zuko with her Blue Flames. Zuko also Dodge With His Orange Fire

Blue and Orange Flames Banging Together and Katara Was Just watching There.

But Azula Changed Her aim. she Looked Katara... Azula dodge and dodge Fire Around her Zuko tried To stop but it has No use Until Then....












Katara Got Out of the Water, And got hitted By Azula's Flame..

"Hah!, You don't deserve to be Here! You Deserve to Die!!, Last waterbender of the South Pole Desrve to Die!!" Azula said She Was About to Kill Katara but then Zuko Dodge her with his Fire He Dodge and dodge Azula. 


azula hit the ground and she Winced at pain and Zuko do it one more time again. "Don't you ever dare! to try to kill her Again Or else Your Life will be Ended for good!!"

Azula Shouted "Hah! Brother You'll regret why you Didn't Kill me! You'll Regret it Someday!! Get ready to my Payback Brother!!"

Zuko Just Ignored and Get Katara in a Bridal Style "Zuko.. I'm Sorry.." She said Softly

"It's okay Katara Your Safe now.." Zuko said and Katara Fell asleep in Zuko's Arms. 


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