Chapter 6✔️

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Katara POV:


Zuko and I were almost done packing for the long journey ahead of us. 

I read off my checklist mentally as I made sure I had absolutely everything. After one more quick look around my room I zipped up my bag and proceeded to find Zuko to find out how much packing he had left. 

I walked down the hall took a sharp right and made my way to Zuko's room to knock on his door twice. 

"Hey Zuko it's me! Are you almost ready? Do you need any help?" I practically yelled through the thick doors. 

"You can come in Katara!" I heard him shout through the doors and with that I let myself enter.

I walked in admiring how clean and organized his room was before seeing all of his things laid out on his bed ready to be put in his bag. 

"Hey Katara I'm almost ready to go could you go grab my sword off the shelf over there?"

"Sure" I replied with a smile. 

After I gave Zuko his sword we were officially ready to go and now all we had to do was leave. We   were just about to leave when we heard Aang calling our names. 

"Katara! Zuko!" He yelled as he jogged over to us followed by the others. 

Thank goodness he caught us right before we left. We turned around and walked towards our friends for our final goodbyes. 

"Good luck guys and always remember to be careful and stay safe." Aang reminded us. 

"Don't worry Aang we will and I'll protect Katara too if thats what you're worried about." Zuko answered giving me a sideways glance with a small smile. I couldn't help the blush that crept over my cheeks. 

"Good luck nephew. And good luck to you as well Katara. Have A Safe Journey." Iron Said.

Zuko nodded and hugged his uncle tightly. 

We were just about to leave when Sokka interrupted. 

"Hey Zuko!" Zuko turned around quickly. 

"What's on your mind?" Zuko asked. 

"Can I talk to you for a second?" 

"Sure Sokka."

Sokka looked at him for a brief second before snapping sharply. "Privately." 

Instead of answering back Zuko just nodded and followed Sokka over to where no one could hear them. Their talk looked extremely serious but I didn't really care as I just focused on saying goodbye to the rest of my friends. 

Finally we left as we headed towards our destination. 

"You ready?" Zuko asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I replied. 

And just like that we were off...

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