C38- Nightmares

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These nightmares. It's getting worst. 



Do something.. 

And then a vision of her Mother appeared "Katara, Help me"

"Mom"  Katara whispered "Katara, Help"  

"Mom, Where are you?" Katara groaned "Help.." 

"Mom!" The teen cried out "Help me."  

"Mooooom!" I suddenly woke p screaming my mother's name and then Aang burst out in my door 

"Katara, are you okay?" He asked walking towards my bed. I sit down and suddenly cried "It's the nightmares." I said sobbing. 

Aang sit down beside me "Again?" I didn't answer I just cried. And then last thing I remembered is when Aang embraced me in the middle of the night.

I woke up late. I immediately proceed to the dining room and saw Uncle Iroh, Sokka, Aang, Suki, Toph, Tylee and Zuko. 

"Sorry, I'm Late" I said and sit down beside Sokka.

we ate quietly and then Toph suddenly talk 

"So, What's the plan?" she said

"What plan" Zuko asked 

"About the Wedding, about Mai and His father, about the Winter solstice" Uncle Iroh retorted 

Why did he emphasized the word Winter Solctice?

"How many times do I have to tell you? I'm gonna marry Mai. Like it or not. I love her" Zuko said and continued eating

Really you love a traitor? What kind of Fire lord are you? 

"Zuko, We already feel the winter. Winter solstice is only weeks away. You need to change your mind" Sokka said angrily

"Sokka is right, You must change your mind. That's not a right decision nephew. It will never be. You'll regret it, I'm telling you that." Uncle Iroh said

What's with the Winter solstice? Since my nightmares started Sokka and Uncle Iroh are acting weird lately. Their hiding something. I need to know that.

"No one can convince me to change my decision." Zuko said ang then looked at Uncle Iroh sharply. 

What's with him?!

"Zuko, What did Mai do to you? What happened?" I asked 

He looked at me sharply and then stared at me for a moment. He's eyes...Lonely.. I don't understand. 

"Why do you need to know? You never cared." He said coldly. 

I stand up. And looked at him sharply but, He's not looking at me.

"Zuko, We have no time for this misunderstanding. Answer the question! What happened? Why did you suddenly change your mind? From the first place you're angry at Mai because she's a traitor, Now you want to marry her? Why change of mind?" I asked one more time. 

Everyone got silent. 

"Princess Katara of the South. That's non of your business. You're out of this. This is my personal relationship and you're not part of it! Don't act as if you know everything.!" Zuko said. 

Enough! My Patience is Lost!

"No Fire Lord you're mistaken. This is the fate of the world not your relationship problem. Huh?! Tell me Fire Lord are deaf? Deaf enougfh not to here what Sokka said in the meeting? That Mai is a traitor that something is gonna happened. What happened to you?" I said. 

He stand up and look at me sharply. I'm afraid of his looks.

"You don't know anything!.. Princess!"

"Yes I do! All I know is your a dumb Fire Lord who only thinks for His relationship problems and not the fate of the world." I cried out! 

"Unlik you--" He was cutted by Ursa

"ENOUGH!" She said. 

"Stop this non-sense. It will only lead you to nothing!" Ursa exclaimed

"You two should be seperated. We're not having a good meeting if you two are banging each other's opinion." Uncle Iroh retorted. 

"Indeed. I don't want to have a conversation with a Princess who has a  very high pride "

Tears starting to fall in my cheeks. Anger is building upon my body. And then the only thing I said to Zuko is

"You're not serving your Nation well Fire Lord."

I said and ran away.

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