C19- Promise

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At the apartment

Me and Katara are eating Beeakfast.

"Hey Zuko." she said

I looked at her and smiled

"Yes?" I asked

"We are leaving today, right?" She asked..

"Yes, We are." I answered

We continued eating and then Katara Talked again.

"Zuko." She said..

"Yes?" I said.

"Do we have any leads?" She asked.

"Yes. Were going to the City of Quen, That city is Near the Omashu." I said and continued eating.


On the way walking to the Omashu.

Me and Katara are walking silently no one is talking I'm just taking the lead and Katara just followed me.

Should I talk to her? or Not?

Maybe Not. Maybe Yes? 

"Umm, Katara?" I said Finally

She looked at me and Smiled. "Yes?" She asked.

"Have you been to Omashu?" I asked

she smiled "Yes I've been there Twice, First is when we Met King Bumi second is when Azula Overpowered Omashu." She said And continue walking

I stopped walking and frowned "Hey is everything alright Zuko?" She asked patting my shoulders.

I look away "Yes I am. I just remember the hurtful Past."

She smiled "Look Zuko, That's the Past. And you're not evil like your Father. You gained the era of Peace and Love in the world. You showed them your worth. You're different from them Zuko." Katara said..

I looked at Her Seriously "Katara" I said. "Zuko?" She asked

I hold her two Small Shoulders and look at her Eye to eye

"Katara Listen, If one day I become like Ozai and I turned out to be Evil, Promise me that You and Aang will kill me immediately" I said seriously.

She looked away. "Y-yes I-I Promise Z-Zuko" She said nervously.

You're Lying Katara..

"Look me in the Eyes" I said.

"No I won't" She said.

"Please. Promise me. Open your Eyes and Look at Me" I said pleading at her

Katara slowly opened her eyes and Look at me.

Her Eyes is Scared

Her Past still Hurts.

She looked at me Eye to eye. "Now, tell me you will Kill me If I turned out to be Ozai." I said

"I-I Pr-prom- I won't Kill you Zuko. I'll stop you from being Ozai." She said.

I was shock

But why?

Why can't she Promise That she would kill me?

I'm not that important to her like Aang to Protect and stop me if I became Ozai!.

I look at her. "But why?" I asked

She just continue walking "Let's just keep going"

But I pulled her Arms towards me. We are so Close. It's like only inches away our lips will met But that will never Happen. She's with Aang. I'm with Mai.

"No. Tell me why" I said still holding her Arms

Katara's Tears starting to fall. "Because your important to me!, To all of us! Do you think it's Easy to kill a Man who became special to my life?" She asked softly


ME?! Special?!

I just hugged her tightly "Shhh, Katara" I said trying to calm her.

She hugged back and continued crying.

"H-Hey Katara, Let's get going. You don't need to Promise. J-just forget what I said to you. Okay?" I said..

Katara Stopped crying and Look at me. "Promise me you will never put that topic again." She said

"I promise Katara." I said.

She smiled. "Come on, We still have a mission to do." She said leading the way...

"Yeah. Right. The Mission" I said and followed her.

But me? Special?!

I'm just Nothing...

I am Nothing to Her.


I smell something fishy!!! Hahaha..Kidding xD

anyways I got this Kdea from the ATLA comic. "The Promise" hehehe

Please Vote and Comment. Muaaaah.



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