VII- Warning

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VII- Warning


Zuko and Sokka On the Other Hand

"So what's Up?" I said

"Hey Zuko" Sokka said seriously "Don't do anything bad to my sister!" he continued

"C'mon Sokka, Katara is a Tough and Strong woman. No One would harm her even me."

But Instead sokka Look more serious than usual

'Hmmm what's with this guy?'

"No no,I mean Don't do anything Bad to her Especially your a guy and she's a girl" Sokka cleared it

'Hey what do he think to me a Bastard!? Of course I woudn't do that to a girl Especially to my friend!'

I was shocked to what sokka said

but eventually I just laughed

"What's Funny!?" Sokka said

Zuko stopped Laughing

"Calm down Dude, Just because I'm a guy, It Means I would do that Thing to your Sister. I won't do that to her Especially She and Her brother is my Friend, I Assure you that." I said Calmly

"You better to! because if you did that I'll Kill you!" He said and they go back to The Gang

'This Guy! Really.. Annoying But a really caring Brother.. Katara Is Lucky She has a Brother Like him Even his a Paranoid One..' Zuko said in his thoughts


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