XVIII- Apology

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I was walking back and fourth "Where the hell is Zuko?!, It's almost Evening?! We are supposed to leave today" I paused "What if Zuko gets Hurt?!, Or... or.. or.. Maybe Zuko is caught by Azu--. W-wait! Why should I care! He dosen't even care about me!" 

I sit down and try not think about Zuko. But I coudn't help it I slammed the cup in the Table and shouted "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU ZUKO?!" I'm starting to get afraid.. 

I need to find him outside. And.. And 

I need to apologize of the harsh word I said to him earlier But what should I say to him








I sighed. While walking downstairs I was thinking what to say.. "Umm Zuko, I'm sorry about earlier and the words I said to you and.. and... and" "What should I say next?!!!" 

I was already Outside I was about to run when I bumped on someone "HEY!" I exclaimed


"Katara" We both said At the Same Time... 

We stare at each other


"Zuko" We both said at the Same time Again 

"You go fi--" We said Simultaneously 



"Umm Katara?" He finally Speak  "Yes?" I said 

"Katara, Look. I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry to all the harsh words that I said, About the Lunch earlier I'm so sorry I left you alone and About the apartment earlier I'm very very sorry. It's just........." He paused 

" It's just what?" I asked 

" It's just I hate to see that you're having a good conversation to others while us we don't even have any Good conversations at all. My pride is so High And I'm taking them down for you. I hope you accept my apology." He said with his Head down.

I smiled "I forgive you." I said looking at his Amber eyes but He looked away 

"How could you forgive me that fast? I did so many bad things to you. And you forgive so Quick." He said looking away from me

"Because It's not just your fault. Also mine" I paused and suddenly frowned "Zuko, I'm Sorry too, For all thos-----" I was cutted by his words because 

He suddenly Hugged me. 

That made my mouth shut. He hugged me tightly. My body Froze And the thing I did is I hugged him back too tightly

He broke the hug. And me I-i don't know I fe-felt safe when his arms touching me.. 

Zuko smiled "So...No hard feelings?" He asked

I smiled back "No Hard feelings." I paused "So, I guessed We will continue our Journey Tomorrow?" I asked

"Yes, Just tomorrow."

I smiled and He smiled and we both go back to the apartment to rest for the Journey tomorrow

Well, well, Tomorrow will be a Long Journey.


YAAAY! Everything Is now Okay :D 



~Zutara~ ♥

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