C-35- Traitor

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I was walking to the corridor of the palace's west wing. I was about to go to Mai's father about the news if it's true. I need to talk to Mai's father. I don't want my little sister to be hurt!

Admit it or not, I know you love her Katara. And I won't let them Hurt you!

I sighed heavily in front of Mai's father front door. I was about to know but I heard him talking to someone

"You need to marry him!" 

"We're not yet Ready"

"Ready or not we'll continue the wedding.! On the Winter solstice" 


"Can't you see Mai! This is our chance! Our chance for Revenge! To overthrow that Zuko!" 

I was shocked, But decided not to shout like a girl "The gaang must know this. Mai is a Traitor!" I whispered I continue listening.


"On the winter solstice the 5 Element Gods will release an unleash power if Princess Katara and Zuko didn't fell inlove each other." 

My eyes widened Katara? 5 Element God/Goddess? This is weird! There are only FOUR elements! I don't get it

"What are you saying?"

"I sneak out from the Grand-master Iroh. I saw a letter from their secretary. There's a prophecy that Fire and Water must be destined together, and I eavesdrop at their quarters I heard that the prophecy that they're talking about is Katara and Zuko! They are the YinYang."

"Zuko? Katara? Destined to be together?"

"I searched every library at the Fire Nation. And I read that If they didin't fell inlove together, On the winter solstice, The 5 Element Gods/Goddess will unleash a power that even the Avatar can't handle it, A new war will begun! New era of Darkness! Rebels will be powerful and it's  a chance to bring back Former Fire lord Ozai's bending and a chance for him to rule the Fire Nation again!"

My eyes widened A new war? After what Aang have sacrificed to save the world it will be nothing just for that stupid Mai's Father!

I can't let Mai and His Father won! I won't!

But my eyes widened at Mai's words


"Mai! Don't be blind if you allow them to follow the prophecy, Everything will be lost to you Mai!" 

No Mai! You have us! The Gaang!

"That's the prophecy Dad! We need to follow it. It's destined to be! Nothing will be lost to me!" 

Mai's father laughed evily. 

"So many things that will be lost" 

"Royalty" He said

"I don't need royalty! I want a simple life father!" Mai said

"Your Family."

"That's not true" 

"And Lastly you'll lost Zuko." He said "Father know's best. Just stick to the Plan and everything will be perfect. You, Me, My Men, The Rebels and your Mother knew the plan." He said

There are Rebels?! That are willing to overthrow Zuko?!

Sorry Mai! Sokka already knows your plan!

"So...Are you in my Daughter?" Mai's Father asked

Mai's is not answering. Please say No Mai! Please no! no! WE trust you.

"I'm in. I'm going to marry Zuko and be his Fire lady." Traitors! You're too loyal to Ozai and Azula! But all of you can't win. 

I suddenly heard footsteps going through the door. I quickly ran away and hide.

"I need to tell this to the Gang..Zuko and Aang are in danger. No the whole world is in danger! And Lastly I won't let them hurt my Lil'Sis." I whispered and quickly go through the south wing to alarm the whole gaang.


Sorry for the late update...

They're up to something. That will cause a NEW war! 

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