Chapter 5✔️

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Azula's POV


"My Princess, Fire Lord Zuko has a plan for your return." Long Feng said while handing a letter to me. 

"What is it?" I asked confidently. Surely  Zuko can't have that good of a plan on his hands.  

"They are putting Fire benders in  every palace and several cities my Princes, they have even placed some in Ba Sing Se..."

I smiled and tried not to laugh at two things. First, Zuko's plan to put Fire benders everywhere and second, the look on Long Feng's face right now. 

"Foolish Fire Lord! Don't worry Long Feng, I'll take them out one by one. Blood by Blood." I said then laughed as I stroked my fingers through my hair. 

Long Feng was shocked. "B-by yourself? My Princess that's a lot to take on you cant possibly do all of that by yourse-"

"I can take them on one by one and as a matter of fact why not start now? Let's take a small trip to the South Pole. Please ready your Dai Li Agents, Long Feng, because we will be attacking soon." I laughed and then simply walked away with a smile on my face. 

"Wait my P-Princess... There is more news." Long Feng whispered and I whipped my head around fast locking eyes his. With a worried expression on his face I inwardly chuckled because  he was probably worried that I would burn him at this very moment. Honestly though, I totally will depending upon what he has to say next. 

He didn't say a word.

"Well go on Long Feng I don't have all day." 

Long Feng Gulped.

"Former Princes U-Ursa-"

I cut him off "What about her?" Suddenly not liking where this was heading.

"Well... she is alive and the Firelord is looking hard and fast to find her immediately"

My eyes widened as shock spread through my body. I wouldn't let this phase me though so I smiled evilly.  

"Well good news Long Feng. I have a plan. And that plan includes finding her first..." I said then laughed as I exited the room with my head held high.

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