C33- Confession

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Well since Zuko left me alone, I go to the party alone. 

"Ladies and gents, May I now present to you Fire Lord Zuko!" The announcer said. Everyone bowed respectfully. 

"Retired General Iroh!" The announcer said. "Well as you can see, You all thought that this party is just for nothing, but you're all wrong." He said

"We threw this party to celebrate the end of the Hundred year war." Zuko suddenly said "And also In the honor of Fire Queen Ursa's return" Zuko said and then Queen Ursa suddenly appeared.

Everyone cheered up and applauding in Queen Ursa's show up. "I, Fire lord Zuko now declare the party started!" Zuko exclaimed Every cheered and the Fire Nation music started everyone dance happily but Toph, Aang and I just sit down and Watch the guests dance. Sokka dances with Suki Of course

"Umm Katara" Aang suddenly talked

"Yes Aang?" I answered 

"Can w-we da--"

"Twinkle toes let's dance! Please Please Please!" Toph suddenly talked to us, I mean Aang 

"A-ah Okay" Aang said and take her to the Dance floor. I smiled, I guess Toph likes Aang 

Wait!--- I'm not Jealous? How? Why? Arghh Never mind. 

Too much question Katara Too much Question

"Wow. A beautiful Princess, not dancing with someone?" I heard someone talked. I look behind and it's Chao.

"Oh, Hi" I said. "May I sit with you?" He asked. I nodded

I looked him and bowed my head "Chao, I'm sorry about earlier, It's just Zuko gets so Rude, I'm so sorry really." I said almost crying.

"It's okay, But there must be an exchange." He said and smiled wickedly 

"Huh?" I asked with confusion

"Never mind, Come on let's dance. No Princess deserves to sit there and watch the others dance." Chao said offering his hand for the second time. Without doubt I take his hand and we go to the Dance floor.

We danced and danced until a slow song had been played. Chao and I stopped dancing and He bowed to me and offered his hand once again

"May I take this dance Princess Katara of Southern Tribe?" He asked me. I smiled "Of course Chao" I said and we danced. But I suddenly frowned Zuko was supposed to be here. But now He's not. 

While dancing I saw Mai and Zuko dancing together just beside us and they seem to be happy. I frowned more. 

"Are you okay?" Chao asked "I'm okay really." I said

"Oh." He said and we continued to dance, We kept dancing until an emcee cried out "Change Partner!" I look to my side and It's  Zuko.

Do I have a choice? I shoudn't be selfish. One wrong move and the Party will be crashed. No choice Katara No choice 

I moved aside and as He touched my waist. I touched his shoulder. We danced awkwardly. But suddenly He looked into my eyes "Katara." He said softly 

"What" I said trying not to salvage my pride 

"Katara, I'm sorry about the scene earlier. Please forgive me. I didn't mean to say those harsh words. Thousand Apologies Katara, really Thousand apologies." He whispered to me almost crying. 

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