C-25- River of Wishes

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We made it! We made it! We survived inside the cave!

When we walk out side the cave I noticed that it's still morning and something just pop in my head.

How did she manage to blood bend?

I let go of her hand and faced her "Katara?" I said. She looked at me

"Yes?" she said. "How can you able to blood bend lately when there's no full moon?" I asked curiously

"Uhh, I don't know? Maybe that's one of my special abilities, I guess?. Sorry I don't know the answer either" She said. I smiled at her "It's okay" I said and we continued walking

While walking Katara spoke "Hey, Where's our next destination?" She asked

"At the River of Wishes, Legend says that the River of Wishes was called like that because if your Mind and heart don't work on the hallucinations your wish will be fulfilled." I said

"Hallucinations?" she ask. "Yes hallucination, Once we cross the bridge under there was the River and legends says that there are Good and Dark spirits in there and the dark spirits will hallucinate you while the good spirits will give you advice. And if you don't get fooled by the hallucinations a good spirit will grant you a wish" I said. Katara stopped walking "What?" I ask

She just smiled..

"Do you believe in that legend?" She asked. "No" I said plainly. Katara raised one eyebrows "Why?" She said

"Simple. Because I don't believe in wishes. You need to work hard for it." I said plainly

"I know, But if you also wish for it your favor or request will be faster. Right?" She asked

I looked at her "I don't know, But still I don't believe in wishes." I said.

"So it means you don't believe at the legend of the two lovers?" She said still raising her eyebrows." She said

My eyes widened. I remember something again The Kiss. Come one Zuko!

Don't put any meaning in that Kiss! That's just nothing!

"That's ancient legend. Come on" I said

Me and Katara continued walking until we reached the Bridge. "Were here." I said.

Her eyes widened and she smiled beautifully "Wow" She said.

"I never expect that this place would be like this. It's so.... It's so Ugh! It's very terrific and wonderful and beautiful!" she said. Without knowing it I smiled at her.

Katara is really beautiful

Her Blue sapphire eyes is so attractive

Her brown hair like a chocolate

Her tanned skin

and her angelic voice..

And then suddenly I felt someone shaking me



"Zuko!" I was shocked. "Ugh ah, What? Sorry." I said "Nothing, you seem so destructed." Katara said.

Destructed to your beauty.

"Naah, It's nothing. Come on let's go." I said Katara nodded

We started walking to the bridge it's getting foggy and the winds are getting stronger. I held Katara tight but then, she looked at me "Just stay close to me. No more complains" I said. While walking I heard someone whispering




"Katara?" I said

"Yes?" she answered

"Are you whispering my name?" I asked her

"No. Why?" Katara said. "Nothing let's just keep walking" I said and held her hand more tighter

Zuko, you're too late your mother is dead your journey is now useless

"She's not dead." I whispered

She's dead Fire lord and the water princess will be next.

"No. That's not true!" I shouted

"Zuko!" What happened to you!" Katara said.

She'll be killed Fire lord just wait for that moment to come!

"No she's not!" I shouted

"Zuko! Cut it out! Don't let the dark spirits fool you!" Someone exclaimed

Darkness and Keos will encounter. The efforts that you and the avatar made will be useless!

"No! Shut up! That's not true!"

"Zuko! What's happening to you!" someone shouted and she's shaking my shoulders

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