Chapter 3✔️

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Irohs POV:


After I left Zukos room, I retreated to my headquarters to check my mail. I walked into the room, closed the door behind me, and locked it. Then I slipped the key into my pocket and walked over to my desk to find a letter.   I put my glasses on and picked up the letter made out to me.

It was when I turned the letter around to open it that I saw the symbol of the White Lotus.

I ripped the letter open and began to read the words written in black ink by the secretary of the White Lotus.

To our beloved Grand Master Iroh,

Greetings Grand Master Iroh. I have alarming news over what I have discovered in the old prophecy written in the White Lotus book. While reading the book I came across something strange. A paragraph that I thought you should hear about. It says that a royal highness from the element  of fire and a water princess must be together, or else the world will be in grave danger. Grand Master Iroh, I have a feeling that Fire Lord Zuko, your nephew, and Water Princess Katara of The Southern Water Tribe, are the people the prophecy speaks of.

                        Wan Yu

I paused reading the letter over one more time before folding it and putting it in my cabinet. It was after I put the letter away when the realization struck me.

When I brought up Kataras name to Zuko he started to stutter almost like he was nervous about something... Maybe we should give this a chance for the worlds sake. I thought as I took a seat in my chair.

I began to think on it for a while liking the idea of it when it occurred to me that we might have a problem.

And that problem's name was Mai.

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