Chapter 67

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"That woman is posing a threat to the Firelord!" The captain exclaimed

And then Do Chin run towards me. "Your Majesty we need to take down the curtains a woman is posing a threat to you" he said and immediately closed the curtains

How can a woman pose a threat to me?

Kind of suspicious

I look to the left side where she is standing I was about to see her face but a lady bowing grab her and run. And a guy from the right side  stand up and run towards the woman

Wait. Is that Chao?

By any chance, he knows that girl?

What is happening in here?

The guards chased her and the Royal Procession keep on going

After few hours we reached the mountains.

I get down to the carriage and looked at the landscape view

It would be better If i'm with you Katara

"Do chin" I said do chin came closer

"I want to have a bath. With hot water. Prepare it as fast as you can" I said

He bowed "Yes Your Majesty We'll prepare it right away" I said

And after half an hour Do chin called to take the hot springs. I proceeded and take of the heavy red robe and other firelord's accessories. I was about to enter the room and Do chin following

"I'll only bring Sokka with me. I hare hassles" I said

"Your Majesty we can't" Do chin said

I looked at him "Then.. Will you bathe with me instead?" I said foolishly

Do chin starts to tremble "Y-your M-majesty" he said

I looked at him "yes" I said touching his shoulders

"You should start avoiding your personal body guard. Rumors are spreading" he said

I smiled foolishly and looked at him "what rumors?" I asked

"T-that y-you aand S-sokka are having a s-same gender r-relationship" he said trembling

Zuko stop the laugh. Try not to laugh

"Ohh.." I Said. I smiled at him "Then.. Instead of sokka let's take a bath" I said and came closer to him "Together" I whispered "You and I will take off clothes and bathe together" I continued

Do chin backs out trembling "T-then I-I leave you w-with S-sokka" he said and left the room

Sokka and I looked together I laughed harder but he stayed silent

I really don't like the new sokka.

I need the sarcastic sokka

I stopped laughing and sighed heavily "Sokka" I said

"I'm at your service your majesty" he said

"Let's go" I said and disguised like a simple noble man and so do Sokka

We sneaked in the window. That's why I keep Do chin out

And now we are on the village walking together

"That is the way to the temple Your Majesty" Sokka said and I nodded we walked going to the temple

But I noticed someone is following us and Sokka looked at me "He's been following us  ever since we stepped on the village" he said

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