Chapter 63

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I can't believe it. Right now I'm sitting beside this woman. We are eating. We are at the dining hall
They are celebrating, but I resent them

Shame on you and one of the noble class exclaimed a 'kiss' I refused and glared at them

Mai look at me I looked at her poker face and pushed my face near her and I whispered and laughed a bit "You're good"
Mai looked at me starring in shock "What?" She said

I looked at her. No, actually glaring and laughed evilly "Your allies entered the palace making them officials. You have a great support from their hands. You can get anything you want even the title 'Queen'" I whispered

"Your Majesty stop saying those words. You are making me ash-" I cut her

"Ashamed?" I asked and I laughed and pulled her to me and glared at her "You may get everything you want. But you may never get my heart. Never will never be despite our past reslationship" I whispered and let go of her harshfully

Let's just see what you entered. MyQueenI said in my thoughts

I stand up and and bowed to everyone "Excuse myself" I said

I walked outside the dining hall and walked at the bridge I stayed at left side and stared at the water down the bridge.

"I already miss you." I said and looked into the moon

"The light of the moon is not that bright like the old ones." I said and looked down to the water

"If you were here. I'd be more than happy to be with your side, I'd joyfully accepted the kiss." I said

And tears starting to fall in my cheeks "I should have protected you more. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for not protecting you that much. Even when I have the power I couldn't protect you" I said


"You lost her." A voice suddenly came out from nowhere I looked everywhere. When I looked to the right side of the bridge I saw Chao tears falling in his cheeks clenching his fist

"You lost Her. Even when you have everything. You still lost her. Now she's gone!" He cried out

I glared at him "Shut up and Leave before I hurt you even when you're my brother in my mother's side." I said


It hurts. You don't know how it hurts!

"You don't know how I hurt I was." I said still clenching my fist

"Hurt? You and I shouldn't be hurt if you protected her! But you didn't. If I was the one on her side I will be able to protect her!" He exclaimed but I remained silent

"I should have fight for her! So I can protect her from the likes of you!" He cried out. I glared at him I clenched my fist
"Shut up you illegitimate child!" I exclaimed and threw 3 fireballs at him.

He dodge it with his water bending. He moved the water just the same way Katara doing before. He was able to dodge all the fireballs I threw in him

"I already accepted that I am an illegitimate child! HOWEVER ILLEGITIMATE OR NOT IT WILL NOT CHANGE THE FACT THAT KATARA IS DEAD!" He exclaimed

I shouted running towards him. I dodge fire at him and so he is. He waterbend the side and dodge me with water. Fire and water dodging together in the bridge and he freezes the water in my foot making me unable to move. And a blast. I was beaten by him. Both of us lost control. But he beat me

We're still glaring at each other and clenching out fists.

"You could not protect her." He said

I was about to dodge fire at him but he bloodbended me. And it also reminds me of Katara again.

He blood bended me and said "Stop this nonsense. I don't want to fight you. I'm just telling what's in my mind. I just want justice for her." He said and stopped bloodbending me

"That's the only thing you can do for her since it's too late already. Give justice to her death." He said and left

And Firebended the frozen ice in my foot. Now I'm soaking wet but I don't care. I suddenly cried and shouted I firebended kicking and punching the air. Making me realize that some words of Chao is true

will definitely give justice to your death Katara. definitely will.

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