Chapter 76

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Today is the day she'll be going to her chambers.

Later night... What will happen to her? I'm afraid I said in my thoughts.

And suddenly. Do Chin talked outside my chamber "Your Majesty.. The leader of the Royal jeomjang-i wishes to see you" he said

I was startled a little bit. Why? I asked myself

"A royal jeomjang-i is not allowed to meet the Firelord" I said and do Chin answered

"You Majesty, she told me that she needed to confess something." He said. What is it? I asked myself.

"Fine. Let her come in." I said and the court ladies opened the door. She come in panicking.

She was about to bow but I stopped her "Enough with introductions. what is it that you will confess." I said

She sit down and lower her head "I don't want to ask his majesty to forgive me. But, please let Yeol and Wol live. I will deal with all the consequences" she said and sokka was about to pull his sword out but I stopped him.

My eyes widened "what is it?" I asked

And a tear fell in her eyes I just stared at her and Sokka just watching her. "It's about the lady Arang." She said

My eyes widened more.. "What about her?" I asked

"S-she's y-your c-crown p-princess." She said my hand are starting to shake and tears fell in my eyes. Sokka is just staring at the Royal Jeomjang-i leader and suddenly tears bursted in his eyes. I just looked at him and he lower his head. Tears still coming out in my cheeks.

Why do I feel so sad?
"Sh-she's dead." I said and more tears came out

"No Your Majesty. Her royal highness, the firelady's father asked me to perform black magic on her so her daughter will be the queen. He threatens the life of the crown princess by killing her father and destroying the Royal jeomjang-i. So I faked her death making her father drink the drug I made to make her sleep for one day and it made her forget her past recollections." She said and my eyes widened.

"D-does M-mai k-knows about it?" I asked and she looked at me in the eyes and nodded.

Sokka suddenly stand up and pulled his sword out and pointed it to the leader of jeomjang-i

"DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'VE DONE?!" He cried out. But the leader of jeomjang-i stayed quiet

"FATHER IS GUILTY TO MAKE HER DRINK THE DRUG!! HE THINKS HE KILLED HER!! WHY DID YOU ONLY SAID THAT NOW!! WE SUFFERED FOR SIX YEARS!!!!" He cried out I immediately go to sokka and tried to stop him I whispered "stop sokka. We need to know the reason" I said and he calmed down a bit but he is still crying

"Why? Why did you hide her. Even if you know that she will live?" I asked clenching my fist

"It's because darkness will evolve if she stays alive. So I hid her and kept her alive. The reason I tell you this is because someone, in my cabinet stole her betrothal necklace and her clip. I don't know who it is. So you need to know this Your Majesty" she said

My eyes widened. It is really her. I cried. but who is it? Who stole her things? And my eyes widened "It's Mai. Yesterday she ordered someone to follow Katara. I'm certain it's her." I said and her eyes widened

"What is it?" I asked

"Later Night.. The night where Lady Katara will enter her east quarters. She will be assisted by the minister of science and by the time she enters in her room she will remember everything.. So in the morning, you must fetch her before the minister of science does and hide her. I am certain that they know Arang's real identity now." She said and I nodded

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