XIII- Worried

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On the other Hand at the Palace.

Aang was Walking Back and Fourth, Worried about Zuko and Katara.

"Twinkle Toes, Will you stop walking Back and Fourth!" Toph Said.

"Yes, Avatar Aang. Just Relax Zuko and Katara will not be in Danger They're a Strong Team." Uncle Iroh Said while taking a sip on his Jasmine tea.

"But what if Azula Caught Them, The Palace will be in Danger!, The World will be in Danger!" Aang Complained

Sokka patted His Shoulders
"Aang, Stop Thingking Negative Thoughts. Be like Me. Sokka's Positive Attitude!" Sokka Said trying to Cheer him up

"But--" His words Were cuted by Toph

"Twinkle Toes! I'll Crush you By my Earth Bending If you don't stop That! Just sit there and Relax."

Aang Silenced Himself.

"Here, Avatar Aang. Take a sip on the Jasmine Tea I made." Uncle Iroh said

While Aang is Taking a Sip. His face is still Worried.

"Look, Twinkle Toes, If Sparky and Sweetness Managed to take down Azula When The Hundred Year War is still Ongoing, It's Impossible That they can't do it this time. So, Just Relax. Both of them are Strong Benders. There's nothing to Worry about." Toph Said Smiling at Aang.

"Yeah,  Atlast Toph said something Helpful" Sokka whispered while Laughing

Unfortunately Toph heard it.

"Sokka! I'm not like  You!" She Exclaimed.

"Okay Okay." Sokka said Laughing out loud while raising his hands.

Aang is worried Uh-oh.

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