C31- Will you be...?

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"Lord Zuko! Your back!" A servant cried out "Wh-what happened to Princess Katara?" The servant asked  

"She risked herself from hitting in Azula's Lightning" I said "Call the healers." I said. "As you wish Lord Zuko" The servant said and ran away 

"I don't need healers Zuko, I'm a water bender." Katara said. "Shut up Okay? You're injured you can't heal by yourself." I said avoiding her gaze. "What if I do?" She said "If you did that on your own, I'll surrender the Throne for you. But I assure you, You'll be more injured. Trust me." I said and leave her alone.

"Fine. You Jerk" She murmured. I stopped walking "What did you just say?" I said walking towards her direction. "Since you're a Deaf, You've got nothing to do with it. That's none of your business" Katara said. 

"Fine. Hot headed" I giggled. 

"How dare you to say that to me? You're the one who's hot headed over here.!!" Katara exclaimed. I smiled at her evilly "Now, look who's hot headed over here" I said sarcastically. 

Katara glared at me. "Don't make me hurt you Zuko" She said still glaring at me.But Instead I smiled at her "Make me" I said. Katara chased me and I ran. She was can't chase me until she fell down "Arghh" She groaned. 

I immediately come to her "Katara!" I said I carry her in a bridal style. "Come on I'll take you to my room" I said "You don't need to. This foot and hand just need a little healing." She said trying to get out of my grip "Will you please just Shut up and don't be stubborn?"I said. She stopped complaining and we walk quietly 

We entered our room I lay her down to my bed glared at me "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked her "Don't do anything to me!" she exclaimed. 

I laughed at her. "Really Katara? I'm not that Man you think. You're completely safe to me, Besides If I would do that thing you're saying.I already did that in our journey." I said but she glared more "Just shut up okay!" She cried out I nodded and leave her alone in my bed. 

I get a bandage but when I came back to my bed the stubborn lady is already asleep I smiled to myself I beside her injured feet and I put the bandage to her foot and left her alone in my bed. 

After a few hours I fixed myself, I wore again the stupid robes and the stupid topknot I was walking back and fourth until I heard Katara groaned "Arghh" She groaned She started to open her eyes "Zuko?" She said. I smiled at her. "How are you?" I asked and sit beside her. "Fine, Thanks to you/ By the way I'm sorry about earlier, I'm being rude" She apologized I smiled "No Hurt Feelings." I said 

"I see your already in your royal robes" She said and chuckled "Yeah" I said and I gave her box "Here" I said giving her the box. Confusion look into her eyes "What is this? a bomb?" She teased "No. It's a dress uncle wanted you to wear that Fire nation gown because your a guest tonight." She said. 

"Gown? Me? Guest Tonight?" She asked "Yes, Aang, Sokka and Uncle agreed each other that they're throwing a party tonight." I said. "Why?"  she asked. I smiled "I don't know either." I said

"Wh-" I cutted her words. 

"Too much questions, Dress up your casual clothes and I'm taking you somewhere." I said

I hope the plan will work

"Okay" She said and get up. "I'll wait outside" I said. I get out of my room and waited her near the door. After she dressed up I took her to the garden "Here's my Mother's secret Garden, Only two of us knows this, Until I brought you here now." I explained "Wow.." She said. Katara wandered the Garden. "It's big" She said and then she sat down near the small pond were the turtle ducks are "It's pretty here" I said and sit down with her. 

Katara kept feeding the turtle ducks until she suddenly talked "Hey" she said I looked at her "What?"

"Why did you take me hear?" She asked

"Well. Ahh I-I Take you here because every time I'm sad or mad I always go here, This garden is the most beautiful and private place in here, for me, When I'm staying here my mind is calmed. So I decided to share this place with you and besides I wanted to share this to you because you saved my mother. Trust me Katara, You'll love here." I said looking at her

She smiled "Thank you Zuko for sharing this place to me." she said

"You're Wel--" I was shocked when she come near closer to me and kissed my cheek, just a peck but it feels so good My eyes stayed widened and calmed down after a few minutes 

Katara and I stayed for hours until we watched the sunset. I stand up and offered my hand to her "Come on, We need to get ready for the party" I said she stand up and she was about to go in the exit door "Katara Wait!" I cried out 

"What?" She asked walking towards me "I'm going to ask you something." I said in a shy tone. She smiled "What is it?"

No turning back Zuko! Be Brave! 

"W-will you be my dance partner tonight?" I said looking straight to her eyes. 

Say yes. Say yes. Please



"Sure Zuko" she said smiling at me

Thank you Spirits! For the sake of Agni and La, Yin and Yang she said yes! 

Why do I feel so happy about her saying Yes? 

Why? Do I love her? For real?


UPDATED :))) Hehehehe 

Keep Reaing guys :D

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Love Ya'all 


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