C22- Hand

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 Me and Zuko are walking nervously

"Hey" Zuko said and He stopped walking 

"Yes?" I said.

"Are you nervous?" He asked

"No I'm not." I said looking away from him. He suddenly glared at me. 

"What?" I asked him 

"Liar." Zuko said. Zuko patted my shoulder "Katara, We can do this together no matter what"

"How could you say that? You don't even entered the cave." I said. I was expecting that Zuko would get angry  But instead he laughed 

The first time that I saw Zuko Laughed, 

"Faith right? You thought me that Everything is Possible" He said. And then He held my hand "Come on don't be sad let's go to that Cave of two Lovers." He said walking still holding my Hand

We kept walking and He's still holding my hands And then we reached the Entrance of the cave. We stopped walking "This is it there's no turning back" I said '

"Just stay close to me Katara" He said Holding my hand more tighter, But I removed it from his Hand

"Come on Zuko, I can do this." I said. Zuko glared at me. 

"Like it or not I'm holding your Hand" He said and He held my right hand again and we walked inside the Cave


Hey Guys I'm Sorry for the late late Update. Sorry ^_^

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